Molecular Imaging-New Biomarker in Pulmonary Hypertension

来源 :第七届北京五洲心血管病研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Konca
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  The current treatments for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) target pulmonary vascular tone and attempt to address an imbalance in circulating and locally produced vasoconstrictors and vasodilators; namely restoring prostacyclin and cyclic GMP activity andinhibiting endothelin.New treatments for PAH are directed more at the structural vascular changes that characterize the condition.There is alsogreater interest in improving right ventricular function.This poses a challenge to the early assessment of efficacy-the important stage in drugdevelopment when decisions are made about investments in large scale clinical trials.First,drugs that act to reduce pulmonary vascular resistance byaltering vascular structure and address cardiac remodeling might be expected to take longer to demonstrate evidence of benefit than drugs that act onvascular tone.Second,there is the problem of measuring changes in vascular structure in vivo.Cardiac magnetic resonance is an excellent tool forassessing right ventricular mass and function and is increasingly used in clinical trials.Novel biomarkers are required to signal structural changes inblood vessels in response to a drug.Molecular imaging tools may offer a solution,particularly techniques used to answer questions on drug efficacyin oncology studies.
【摘要】本文从中国夏季达沃斯论坛成功举办为例,阐述了国际会议对经济、政治、科技、文化诸多方面的深刻影响和带动效应,进而分析了会议产業发展的基本要求,着重提出会议产業的发展瓶颈和应对之策。特别强调会议業发展规划的制定、会议業主体和会议業自主品牌的培育、会议城市的环境建设以及促进会议業政策的落实。  关键词:夏季达沃斯 会议業  一、“中国夏季达沃斯”的巨大带动效应  2007年9月6日至8日,世界经
  The right ventricle plays an important role in health and disease.Composed from progenitors of different embryologic than the left ventricle,the right ventr
本文以爱丁堡国际图书节(Edinburgh International Book Festival)为例介绍了大型节日庆典中人力资源的开发与管理策略.首先,通过对爱丁堡国际图书节的整体分析以及人力资源
  Significant pulmonary valve regurgitation results in progressive right ventricle dilation that may lead to the risk of development of ventricular arrhythmia