A Coding Method using Adaptive Chaos Control

来源 :The Third International Conference on Dynamics,Vibration and | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:okmijnuhbygvtfcrdx
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  The concept of harnessing chaos using characteristic phenomena in nonlinear dynamics, has a high potential for technological applications, e.g.optical communication[1] and logic operations[2], and so on.In the process of harnessing chaos, exploiting the sensitive dependency on initial conditions realizes an efficient control with very small perturbation.Taking advantage of this property, a coding system has been proposed, where coding processes can be controlled by small input and noise is filtered out by inverse mapping of nonlinear transformation[3].
目的 研究比较循证护理在手术室护理中的应用对并发症及负性心理的影响.方法 选择2019年1月~2020年1月期间于我院行手术治疗的100例患者为此次研究对象,将其随机分为2组,分别
  The dynamics of a beam continuously joined to an elastic substrate, such a system which arises in geotechnics, in structural mechanics and in many other bra
3.下列分组哪些是错误的,并说明为什么? (a)α射线源:~(241)Am,~(226)Ra,~(233)Pa; (b)β射线源:~(90)Sr-~(90)Y,~(106)Ru,~(144)Ce; (c)γ射线源:~(60)Co,~(147)Pm,~(192)I
目的 探讨分析个性化护理在急性心肌梗死患者院前急诊护理中的应用.方法 选取2017.8——2019.10某院收治的110例急性心肌梗死患者作为研究对象,将其分为观察组与对照组各55例
河南省南阳大枣研究所(473000)培育。个大果重,汁多蜜甜,含糖量高为主要特征,一般大如鸡蛋,较大的比鸭蛋还大,又称巨王枣。平均单果重50克左右,最大的70~80克,500克 Nanyang
  The influence of air flow excitation is more efficacious in many rotating machineries.Researching on air flow excitation is important and necessary.In the p
  Many dynamical systems in physics, chemistry, biology and geophysics involve multiple time scales[1,2].which often behave in periodic state characterized by
目的 针对心血管这一疾病,将心理护理引入治疗当中,查看这一医疗模式的治疗效果及影响.方法 将本院2018年-2019年3月收治的心血管患者编入观察对象,并将其分为参照组和实验组