Prognostic significance of rituximab and radiotherapy for patients with primary mediastinal large B-

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  The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic importance of rituximab and radiotherapy in patients with primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) receiving doxorubicincontaining chemotherapy.Seventy-nine patients with PMBCL received CHOP chemotherapy with (n =39) or withoutrituximab (n =40), and 60 patients received additional radiotherapy.Patients treated with rituximab, cyclophosphamiide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (R-CHOP)had signifietly superior survival rates.The 5-year overallsurvival(OS)and progression-free survival (PFS) rates were 83.7% and 76.7% for R-CHOP, compared with 48.3% (p =0.011) and 44.2%(P =0.012) for CHOP, respectively.Similarly, the5-year PFS rates for early stage patients were 93.8% and 84.6% with R-CHOP and 52.0% (p =0.002) and 46.6% (p =0.003) with CHOP, respectively.Patients treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy had better survival and local control (LC) rates compared with chemotherapy alone.The 5-year OS, PFS and LC rates for early stage patients were 73.6%, 69.9% and92.6% for chemotherapy and radiotherapy,and 50.8% (p=0.076), 36.9% (p=0.008) and 56.4% (p<0.001) for chemotherapy alone, respectively.Early stage patients treated withR-CHOP and radiotherapy had 5-year OS, PFS and LC rates of 96.4%, 85.9% and93.1 %.R-CHOP plus consolidation radiotherapy was associated with excellent survival and LC rates.
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