A study of the Thermo-Elastoplastic Mechanical Properties of Silicon Material at Elevated Temperatur

来源 :2013全国MTS断裂测试学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mfxtmxk
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  This paper presents the measurements of the mechanical properties of silicon material at elevated temperatures up to 125℃, using a nanoindentation instrument with a thermal stage.The Youngs modulus of the silicon can be calculated from the measured reduced modulus.The finite element method is used to simulate the nanoindentation test data.The assumed perfect plastic behavior of the silicon material and the guessed yield strength are firstly used to simulate the contact problems for the indentor and the silicon surface.The agreements between the finite element results and the experimental data are evaluated by two criteria, the initial slope of the unloading curve and the maximum indentation for a specific thermal environment.Then the yield strength of the silicon material at the elevated temperature can be obtained.Thus, a new methodology combining the finite element method and nanoindentation test data to identify the thermal elastoplastic mechanical properties is successfully developed herein.
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