
来源 :中国心理学会,中科院心理研究所 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zx1112220
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  PURPOSE:Binocular rivalry arises when incompatible images are presented one to each eye.If the two eyes conflicting information were invisible with identical perceptual interpretations,does rivalry competition still occur? The current study investigated whether binocular rivalry can be induced from conflicting but invisible spatial patterns.
PURPOSE:The understanding of the information-processing mechanism of human visual system is a major cognitive neuroscience and physiology research topic.The insight of the structure and function of hu
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目的:左右眼视图呈现时间异步(temporal interocular asynchrony,TIOA)可以产生对隐藏平面的定量深度感知,双眼匹配信息在这种立体视觉中有重要作用。本文进一步研究了双眼匹配和不匹配信息存在空间和时间上差异时,对定量深度感知的影响。方法:在阈值范围内分别改变双眼匹配和不匹配信息间的水平距离差、深度空间差以及双眼不匹配信息产生之前匹配信息的消失时间,被试对于隐藏平面进行深
PURPOSE :Motion perception is important for human beings to interplay with environment,such as walking through the street to avoid moving vehicles.