
来源 :第一届全国暨第二届国际超声分子影像学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YOOOZHANG
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  The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) introduced the first Guidelines on the use of contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in 2004[1].This EFSUMB document mainly focused on liver applications.New applications, in addition to the liver,were developed in the following years.Therefore,in the update of the clinical recommendations on the use of CEUS by EFSUMB,published in 2008 [2],applications to other organs were described as well.In the following years an increasing interest in the clinical applications of CEUS technique and new fields has been investigated, so that up to now nearly all organ systems have been subject to CEUS studies.Therefore,EFSUMB initiated a new update of guidelines in 2011 including this knowledge [3].Some of the indications are established whereas others are not which are categorized as emergent CEUS applications since evidence is insufficient for general recommendation.One of the most important applications is in the liver where it is frequently a first-line technique for the detection and diagnosis (characterization) of focal liver lesions (FLL).In this setting the accurate differentiation of benign from malignant lesions is critical to ensure the patient undergoes the appropriate therapeutic option.The role of CEUS in the characterization of FLL is described in a WFUMBEFSUMB initiated guidelines in 2012 in terms of the enhancement patterns of the most common FLL hemangioma,focal nodular hyperplasia hepatocellular adenoma and their differentiation from malignant lesions [4].In addition, an additional EFSUMB document provides some recommendations and descriptions of the quantification of uhrasound images,technical requirements for analysis of time-intensity curves (TICs), methodology for data analysis, and interpretation of the results in dynamic contrast enhanced ultrasound(DCE-US)[5].In conclusion, the presentation focusses on comments, illustrations and examples of the EFSUMB guidelines on CEUS.
一  历史学家通常把中国古代历史分成几个阶段,第一个阶段是秦汉帝国,所谓第一帝国。第二个阶段是隋唐宋帝国,所谓第二帝国。第三个阶段是元明清帝国,所谓第三帝国。  长久以来,人们热衷于比较秦汉帝国和罗马帝国。这是历史学界一个比较热门的话题,出了很多书和论文。  为什么呢?因为这是当时世界上“唯二”的两个大帝国,他们之间存在着一种非常奇妙的共鸣。  从空间上看,这两大帝国分处欧亚大陆的两端,一个在东头
法国的麦当劳曾拍过一支广告,嘲讽对手汉堡王的营业点少。荒郊野外的公路上,立着两面广告招牌,上面分别写着距离“汉堡王”还要258公里,而距离“麦当劳”只有5公里。最后字幕打出:“超过1000家得来速(免下车的店),麦当劳离你更近。据统计,截至2016年2月9日,汉堡王得来速只有17家。”  麦当劳的广告,诉诸的是数字:5公里VS 258公里,1000家店VS 17家店,铁一般的事实,汉堡王输惨了,几
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鲁迅《自嘲》诗中有“破帽遮颜过闹市,漏船载酒泛中流”的句子。回顾鲁迅的一生,自从18岁离开绍兴,被迫“走异路,逃异地”之后,鲁迅就和城市结下了不解之缘。正是由于城市文明,造就了鲁迅,也成就了鲁迅。可以说,鲁迅一生中的最大的成就都是在城市中特别是在“闹市”中取得的。鲁迅对于城市,有着特殊的感受。对城市生活的渴望  鲁迅心志远大,性情孤傲,很少低声下气地求人,但是,为了早日离开乡下,鲁迅也多次向老朋友