Antitumor immune response induced by necrosis H22 cell lysate stimulated peritoneal macrophages

来源 :第三届东北三省暨内蒙古自治区免疫学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q363342684
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  Objective: This study investigated the antitumor responses by necrosis H22cell lysate stimulated peritoneal macrophages in mice.Methods: 40 male and female BALB/c mice were randomly divided into four groups, each group consisting of 10animals (with 5 males and 5 females in), which were vaccinated with sterile saline, heat inactivated H22 hepatocarcinoma cells, liquid paraffin-induced peritoneal macrophages and necrosis H22 cell lysate stimulated peritoneal macrophages respectively in the left hind limb.Then H22 cells were inoculated to each mouse by subcutaneous injected in leR fore limb.Mice were euthanized on day 28 after injection of the H22 cells and tumor tissue were totally excised from the animal.Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)and Spleenocytes were used as effector cells for cytotoxicity assay.Cytokine production by spleen cells were measured by ELISA and Western blot analysis.Results: the tumor formation rate, volume and weight of tumors in necrosis H22 cell lysate stimulated peritoneal macrophages vaccinated mice are significantly less than control groups.The tumor cells injured rate and the activity of LDH in the supematant in necrosis H22 cell lysate stimulated peritoneal macrophages vaccinated group are significantly higher than in control groups.Cytokine proteins of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ were all successfully detected in spleen cells of each group.Conclusion: necrosis H22 cell lysate stimulated macrophage results effective cytolytic activity on H22 hepatocarcinoma cells and antitumor response.
苗族人用银饰述说着对远古图腾的崇拜,蝴蝶、牛角、狮、龙、花鸟等图样造型在银饰中不可或缺,尤其是蝴蝶,因为蝴蝶妈妈是传说中苗族的母亲。 苗族银饰以中部各支系尤其是居住在清水江流域的支系最为丰富多彩。施洞支系一套银饰最多的由100多件组成,重达10公斤。此外,巴拉河支系宽80厘米的大银角、黄平支系类似皇后凤冠的银帽、大塘支系和久仰支系旗帜状头饰、加勉支系芒刺状头箍、都柳江流域各支系“山”字形头饰,都
一位临床专家告诉我:相当多的中老年疾病患者首先发现患病的,不是他们自己而是他们的配偶。其实,这并不奇怪。人到中老年,生理功能开始退化,不仅身体容易出毛病,而且自我感觉也会逐渐变得迟钝,特别是进入老年后,自己有病往往感觉不出来,结果可能使重要的疾病前兆被忽视,以致贻误病情。失去治疗的最佳时机。因此,要做到疾病的早发现和早治疗,夫妻之间应经常互察互检,共同携手防病,这相当重要!  中老年夫妻携手防病,
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