Inhibitory effect of apple polyphenols on H22 murine transplanted tumors

来源 :2011食品安全技术与标准国际研讨会暨AOAC中国区年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxzc10
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Apple polyphenols have many protective properties including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, antiaging, antitumor, and so on. Antitumor effect of apple polyphenols was investigated by H22 murine transplanted tumor experiment, in order to supply some reference for the further study in antitumor mechanism. It was shown that CTX (alkylating agent) as a control had remarkable performance in tumor inhibition (76.11%). After gastric irrigation with apple polyphenols in high, medium and low dose for 10 days, tumor inhibition rates of apple polyphenols were 48.70%, 62.12% and 42.97%, respectively, but there was no clear dose-effect relationship. 14 days after gastric irrigation with apple polyphenols and CTX in high, medium and low dose, the observation showed the average survival period of control (without any treatment) was 15.51 days and that of CTX group was 20.67 days. Electron microscopy images showed that, with time going on, the size of tumor in established tumor model was significantly reduced compared with control, but there was no clear dose-effect relationship. Based on apple polyphenols treatment in high, medium and low dose, the average survival periods of EAC ascites mice models were 15.43 days, 16.05 days and 17.51 days, respectively. Their life extension rates were 3.06%, 7.78% and 15.31% as calculated, but there was no clear dose-effect relationship. Apple polyphenols had a strong antitumor effect on H22, but made no remarkable impact on the survival period of transplanted mice ascites tumor EAC.
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