Comparison of Early and Delayed Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Treating Closed Tibial Pilo

来源 :第二届海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会骨科学术论坛暨四川省医学会第十八次骨科学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:naonao19890925
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  Background: The timing of surgery for osteosynthesis of type C pilon (AO/OTA) fractures remains controversial.The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of early and delayed open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) for treating closed type C pilon fractures.Methods: Forty-six patients with closed type C pilon fractures matched according to age, gender, soft tissue conditions, and fracture pattern were divided into group A (early group: underwent surgery within 36 hours of the injury) or group B (delayed group: underwent surgery 10 days to 3 weeks postinjury after the soft tissue swelling subsided).In the delayed group, 9 patients were treated first by temporary external fixation.All the closed fractures were managed by ORIF with locking plates.At follow-up, the clinical and radiographic results were retrospectively analyzed.The mean follow-up time was 25.8 months (range, 14 to 48 months) in group A and 26.0 months (range, 15 to 44 months) in group B.Results: There was no significant difference (P >.05) between the 2 groups regarding the rate of soft tissue complication, the rate of fracture union, and the final functional score.The patients in group A had a significantly shorter mean time to fracture union (21.5 ± 4.0 weeks vs 23.3 + 3.7 weeks, P <0.05), operating time (84.3 ± 12.1 months vs 100.6 ± 13.7 months, P <0.01), and hospital stay (7.6 ± 2.6 days vs 15.2 ± 4.2 days,P <0.01).Conclusion: If soft tissue conditions are acceptable, early ORIF for treating closed type C pilon fractures can be safe and effective, with similar rates of wound complication, fracture union, and final good functional recovery but shorter operative time, union time, and hospital stay.These results favorably compare with delayed ORIF treatment.
目的 探讨软性膀胱镜下导丝法留置尿管在男性留置尿管困难中应用的有效性和安全性.方法 我院自2008年1月至2014年6月对139例因各种原因所致男性留置尿管困难患者行软性膀胱镜下导丝法留置尿管.选择标准:留置尿管困难者以F16或F18双腔气囊尿管诊断性试插一次受阻或尿管末端明显血迹,即选择行软性膀胱镜下导丝法留置尿管.其中尿道损伤65例、前列腺增生症例45、TURP术后膀胱颈挛缩或后唇抬高11例,
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目的 孤立肾鹿角形结石的治疗首选PCNL,手术难度大.为降低手术风险,不少学者主张有计划的分期PCNL手术,但治疗周期较长、费用昂贵.为此,本单位尝试在斜仰卧-截石位同期施行mini-PCNL联合输尿管软镜治疗孤立肾鹿角形结石,现报告手术方法和初步结果.方法 2011年6月至2014年2月为21例孤立肾鹿角形结石病例施行一期微创PCNL联合输尿管软镜碎石手术.男16例,女5例,年龄49.1±12.
目的 肾盏憩室结石的PCN手术治疗多需要逆行输尿管插管以协助辨认憩室开口,为避免术中体位变换,本单位尝试在斜仰卧-截石位施行PCN手术治疗肾盏憩室结石,现报告手术方法和初步结果.方法 2007年5月至2014年1月为30例肾盏憩室结石病例施行斜仰卧-截石位PCN手术.男14例,女16例,年龄48.1±9.3岁.
目的 比较经尿道前列腺2微米激光"L型"切除术和经尿道前列腺电切术,评估前列腺2微米激光"L型"切除术对良性前列腺增生治疗的安全性和有效性.方法 回顾性分析我科应用70W RevoLix 2微米激光经尿道行前列腺"L型"切除术病例(270例),并总结同期TURP病例(190例)作为对照.记录两组患者相关资料,术前:一般情况、血常规、电解质检查、前列腺体积、PSA、残余尿量(PVR)、国际前列腺症状
目的 探讨B超引导穿刺单通道经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)治疗鹿角形肾结石术中穿刺点、穿刺径路的合理选择与扩张以及碎石取石技巧.方法 57例部分鹿角形肾结石患者,单侧49例,双侧8例.穿刺点为腋后线内侧十一肋间隙,穿刺目标肾盏为中后组盏,穿刺径路与目标盏长径相吻合;45例患者选择14F~18F筋膜扩张器循穿刺方向扩张通道,行钬激光碎石,12例患者选择14F~22F膜扩张器扩张通道,行EMS或Cyber
目的 经尿道等离子前列腺电切临床实践中,发现过多地剜除前列腺后再电切,患者术后发生尿失禁的比例较高.探讨经尿道等离子前列腺剜除电切术的方法和近期疗效.方法 312例>40g的BPH患者,在左侧叶与中叶交界的沟槽近精处,用镜鞘直接推剥左侧叶尖部或点切加逆推的方式找到外科包膜平面,镜鞘伸入增生腺体与外科包膜之间的间隙推剥少部分腺体,再用镜鞘向左横剥显露中叶与精的纤维连接带,点切切断,推剥部分中叶,以中
目的 探讨采用经皮肾镜、输尿管软硬镜、膀胱镜技术微创治疗肾移植术后输尿管梗阻的临床可行性和有效性.方法 在B超定位和两套电视监视系统直视下,移植肾区应用经皮肾镜、输尿管软镜和硬镜,膀胱内采用输尿管镜和膀胱镜等技术成功治疗13例移植肾输尿管梗阻进行总结分析.