来源 :“地理空间数据库与位置服务”国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keke127
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  This paper presents a method for determining the 3D position of an image point on a reference image using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to search the height (Z value) that gives the biggest Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) coefficient.The searching area is in the surrounding of the height of the image point.The NCC coefficient evaluates the similarity with the image point and a corresponding point on an epipolar line in the search image.The position of corresponding image point on the epipolar line is determined by the height point on a sloping line locus.The PSO algorithm starts with a swarm of random particles.The position of each particle is a potential solution in the problem space.Each particle is given a randomized velocity and attracted toward the location of the best fitness.The position of each particle is iteratively modified by adding a newly computed velocity to its current position.The velocity is updated by three factors which are two attractions from local best position and global best position,two strengths of the attractions,and two uniform random numbers for each attraction.The iteration will stop when the current solution is convergent.The time of computation is highly related to the range of height and the interval of height enumeration when the approach to find a corresponding image point of an image point on a reference image is based on the height enumeration along sloping line locus.The precision of results can be improved by decreasing the interval of height enumeration.This shows the limitation of the enumeration method in the efficiency and accuracy.The issue is overcome by a method of using PSO algorithm.The proposed method using different parameters such as the size of image window,the number of particles,and the size of the height searching range has been applied to aerial stereo images.The accuracy of tested results is evaluated on the base of the comparison to the reference data from the results of least-square matching being manually given initial points.The evaluation result shows that tested results has given a solution to a level of less than 1 centimetre without using refined image matching method.The same level of accuracy can reach even when the searching range is bigger than 90 meters.But the difference of image window size may lead to the change of the matching result.And,without the procedures of both coarse-to-fine hierarchical solution and refined image matching method,the algorithm still can give the same accuracy level of least-square image matching resulting.This method also shows its ability to give reasonable matching results without manual assistance.
【摘 要】本文介绍了机电一体化的组成和特点,并结合自己在水泥公司多年的工作经验,讲述了机电一体化在水泥工业上的应用实例,进一步阐述了机电一体化的广泛发展前景。  【关键词】机电一体化;工业;应用  引言  “ 机电一体化” 是机械技术与计算机、微电子、信息和自动控制等复合而成的一门新技术,它涉及了许多新概念、基础学科和边缘学科,是从系统工程出发,使设备或系统实现整体最佳化。机电一体化的初级系统是指