Ultrastructures, Biogeography, and Molecular Taxonomy of Criconemoides myungsugae and C.parvus (Nema

来源 :第十四届全国植物线虫学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NO_IX
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  Populations of Criconemoides myungsugae and C.parvus were isolated in Zhejiang Province China from the rhizosphere soil of Altingia gracilipes and Punica granatum.Both species are characterized molecularly and important morphological details are elucidated by SEM photographs.The morphometric data of the Chinese populations are compared with all reported populations as well.SEM observation of C.myunsugae showed that the first lip annulus forming a non projected uninterrupted disc and the labial annulus is rectangular shaped having slight dorsal and ventral indentations.The species has plenty of anastomoses and has 64.8 (59.1 ~ 69.4) μm long stylet,the excretory pore located 4 ~ 5 body annuli posterior to the pharyngeal bulb.Vulval lips slightly protruding.Tail cylindrical,ending in a squared terminus the squared corners of terminus appeared lobed in lateral view.En face view of C.parvus showed an oral disc with slightly elevated lateral protuberances,the first labial annulus has a pronounced dorsal and ventral indentations.The species has plenty of anastomoses and has a 28.6 (26.5 ~ 30.3) μm long stylet,the excretory pore located 4~ 5 body annuli posterior to the pharyngeal bulb.Vulva closed,anterior and posterior annuli around vulva larger than the preceding body annuli.Tail conoid ending in a rounded terminus.C.parvus is known to be reported from Brazil,China,Iran,Slovak Republic,Romania and USA in the rhizosphere of deciduous,evergreen and herbaceous plants.C.myungsugae is known to be reported from Korea and Iran in the rhizosphere of flowering and herbaceous plants.Now it has been reported from China for the first time indicating the known geographic range of this species has increased.Phylogenetically,both species grouped within Criconemoides species.Overall the study provides updated descriptions,molecular diagnostics and phylogenetics of both species,the addition of these species from China to a reference dataset will provide insights into the phylogeny and biogeography of criconematid nematodes.
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