National Registration system of Suicide Behaviors in Iran

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:easy515
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  Background: Rates of suicidal behaviours vary markedly across different populations.To create a nationwide system to capture data on suicide behaviours provides a database of morbidity, mortality, geographic and temporal trends and also the population at high risk of suicide.Data from this registry can later be used to stimulate and facilitate further research on suicide.This paper describes the rationale, processes, and obstacles involved in developing a national suicide registry in 2009.Methods: This study was designed in Ministry of Health.A case report software form with an accompanying manual instruction had been prepared to ensure systematic and uniform data collection through portal system.Deputy of Health was responsible for data collection in their respective Universities of Medical sciences.Data collection began in March 2009 for a year.In order to run the project, from each university a mental health expert was selected to participate in the training workshop.The quality of data base and challenges was considered from different aspects.Results: A total number of 41109 suicide attempts were reported from 282 districts of 42 Medical Universities.This data covers 83.6% of irans population.The rate of suicide attempt was 65.8 attempts per 100000 populations and among them 1338 cases were completed suicides (58.5% males and 2.14 suicides per 100000 populations).In addition to suicide figures, this study revealed some of the obstacles and challenges for implementing a national registration system.Conclusion: Nationwide suicide registry system in the country provided detailed data for establishing of suicide surveillance system.It can be a solid foundation for a lot of conceptual work, data collection, and preventive efforts.There is always a question of reliability whenever figures of suicide are presented or discussed.Real figures may be higher, because suicide as a reason of death can be hidden.To efficiently capture the data on suicide, a concerted effort between various organizations is needed.
本文介绍了一种微带径向线电路元件,它是一种半圆或“半月”形结构,具有单位幅值且相位随频率缓慢变化的反射系数。反射系数的理论值与x波段实验微带线值(ε_ =2.35,h=250微
[摘 要] 各企业、行业越来越迫切的需要到运营商的IDC来组建自己的数据业务中心。当前数据中心设施的整合已经成为行业内的—个主要发展趋势,利用数据中心,企业不但能集中资源和信息加强资讯的流通以及新技术的采用,还可以改善对外服务水平提高企业的市场竞争力。而且,使用数据中心还可以大大降低企业的拥有成本。但目前IDC业务面临着巨大的压力和挑战。由于企业对IDC业务需求的膨胀过快,导致IDC面臨的矛盾变的
沭阳县公路管理站在廉政建设中,从干部职工的“生活领域”抓起,使全站逐渐形成崇尚节俭,不事奢侈的好风气。去年5月,该站被淮阴市委、市政府授予“双文明单位”称号。 一度