Differential protein expression of plumbagin treated CCA cell line

来源 :The 12th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:engcourse
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Aim: Medicinal plant extracts are alternative sources of promising anti-cancer compound such as Plumbago extracts.Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of plumbagin on protein expression in CCA cell line namely CL6.Methods: The CL6 cells were treated with plumbagin compound for 48 h.The cells were harvested at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h, protein extracted, and subjected for LCMS/MS analysis.Results: Differential protein expression has been observed.To identification of up-and down-regulated protein will be analyzed by using DeCyder, MASCOT, and Mev software.Conclusion: This protein profile will be useful for anti-CCA drug development.
目的:探讨低剂量扫描技术在儿童副鼻窦病变检查中的临床应用及防护价值.方法:采用西门子公司Siemens Definition AS 64排螺旋CT机.在检查前预先嘱咐患儿在扫描过程中保持静止不动,对于不配合的患儿应待其熟睡或服水合氯醛镇静.患儿仰卧于扫描床上,头部正中线应与CT纵轴定位光标重叠,使听眶线垂直于床面.自上牙槽突到额窦顶部作轴位CT容积扫描.扫描层厚0.1 cm,螺距0.8.扫描野18
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