Totally retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy with inferior vena cava thrombectomy (Mayo

来源 :华夏医学论坛·泌尿生殖2015暨亚太性医学年会2015 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meimeini
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  Background and Objective: Management of renal cell carcinoma(RCC)with tumor thrombus extending to the renal vein and inferior vena cava(IVC)is challenging.The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit of totally retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy with inferior vena cava thrombectomy in such patients.Patients and Methods: From July 2014 to May 2015,12 patients underwent laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for renal cell cancer combined with tumor thrombus of the inferior vena cava.Thrombus extension classified by the Mayo Clinic and the 2009 TNM classifications,complications,postoperative management,and survival results were analyzed.The surgeries were performed by retroperitoneal approach totally.For substantial level Ⅰ-Ⅲ involvement,complete caval isolation,including laparoscopic control of infra-renal and supra-renal IVC,contra-lateral renal vein and lumbar veins was performed.Following thrombus extraction,the cavotomy was repaired with 4-0 prolene suture on RB-1 needle.Results: Four patients had level 0,two patients had level Ⅰ,five had level Ⅱ,and one had level Ⅲ thrombi according to the Mayo Clinic staging,and 11 were T3c and one was T4 according to the 2009 TNM classifications.Totally retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach was performed in patients with stage 0 to 3 thrombi.There was no intraoperative mortality and open conversion.The median follow-up interval was 8.6 months.Conclusions: Renal cell cancer complicated with tumor thrombus without metastasis can be curable by performing a complete resection.The thrombus level determines the surgical approach and method.Our results confirm that Mayo level 0-3 caval vein tumor thrombus can be safely surgically treated by totally retroperitoneal laparotomy.
蕨类植物是高等植物的三大门类之一,在系统演化上介于苔藓植物与种子植物之间。地球上现存的蕨类植物有12000多种,其中大部分为草本植物。我国的蕨类植物资源十分丰富,约有2 600多种,占全世界种的1/5以上。自古以来民间就有以蕨类植物为治病偏方的历史,许多种类都有药用功效。近些年分析化学用在蕨类植物上,越来越多的药用化学成分被发现。而且蕨类植物许多种类十分优美,具有很高的观赏价值。蕨类植物与人类生活
  Objective: To develop an algorithm to predict progression to relapse or metastases after radical or partial nephrectomy for Chinese patients with localized
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摘要:高中美术教学日益受到重视的今天,在课堂教学过程中,总是会碰到一些问题和困惑。其中主要表现在课堂教学的有效性问题上,提升课堂教学的有效性是当前深化课程改革的关键和根本要求。  关键词:高中美术;有效性;美术教学  新课改带来了全新的教学理念,对于美术课而言,如何把新的教学理念运用到课堂教学中来,如何实施高中美术的有效教学是大家所关心的话题。以下是本人针对如何提高美术有效性教学的几点认识:  一
通过物理、化学及生物学方法对一些具有催化能力的小分子蛋白或辅酶进行修饰改造可大大提高其催化性能及稳定性,本研究以此为基础,选取生物小分子蛋白细胞色素c(Cyt c)为核心元件
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