Investigation on the impact of cell deformation on the inertial focus in the curved microchannel

来源 :2016年大连国际微纳流体和微流控芯片大会(2016 International Conference of Micro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiawei0018
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  When the fluid with randomly distributed particles flow into the tube at low Reynolds number,after a certain distance, these particles will stably gather as a concentric ring at the location with fixed distance from the center of the pipe, this phenomenon is known as inertial focus of particles.
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一、锈病 1.发生症状:主要为害叶片和花薹。病部产生椭圆形或棱形黄色稍隆起的疱斑(夏孢子堆),表皮裂开后散出橙黄色夏孢子;后期病部形成黑褐色椭圆形 First, rust 1. Symp
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