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关于八股文的起源,学界历来存在着不同的认识。如果将之作为科举考试所应用的文体来看,那么可以认为八股文系起源于北宋熙宁时期的科举改革。这次科举改革主要有两项措施:以经义取代诗赋作为考试的主要内容与废除诸科。在这些改革措施下,考试的试题出现了空泛化的倾向,大量的经学试题实际已经预设了标准答案,与现实有关的问题也不再针对具体问题发问,这就使得应试者难以发表个人的独特见解以充实文章内容,而只能转而致力于起承转合的文章结构形式。应试文章的形式要素也就得到了特殊的重视,铺陈排比等之前策论中很少使用的写作手法开始大量出现,文章结构也已初具八股文的规模。由于以经义取士使得文章的内容难以区分等级,因而极端重视外在形式特征的八股文的出现可以说是必然的。 As for the origins of the eight-part essay, the academic circles have always had different understandings. If we use it as a stylistic example of the imperial examinations, we can conclude that the eight-part essay originated from the imperial examination reform in the Northern Song Dynasty during the Xining period. There are mainly two measures for the reform of the imperial examination system: replacing the poem and fu of Jingyi as the main content of examination and abolishing the subjects. Under these reform measures, exam questions tend to be generalized. A large number of classical exam questions have actually pre-set standard answers. Questions related to reality are no longer asked specific questions, which makes it difficult for candidates to publish personal Unique insights to enrich the content of the article, but can only turn to work from the combined structure of the article. The formal elements of the essay articles also received special attention. The writing techniques rarely used before the drafting of the essay began to appear in large numbers. The structure of the essay has also begun to take shape in the eight-part essay. Since it is difficult to distinguish the content of the essay from the euthanasia, the appearance of the essay writing the essay that attaches great importance to the features of the external form can be said to be inevitable.
从宽带“降费提速”,到引导中小企业的“去虚从实”路径,面临经济结构调整以及促进社会服务收费合理化等问题,早已成为社会关注的焦点。 $$    昨日,工业和信息化部部长苗圩
本文以语文教学案例为证,指出新课改的推进、深化非“市场化”的模式,而是同课异构,或自自然然教语文,或扎扎实实进行训练,提高课堂效率。 Based on the case of Chinese te