The in silico identification of bacterial effector proteins

来源 :第七届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yukeno1
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  Bacterial pathogens secret numerous proteins,the effectors,in order to adapt to the new environment or promote virulence by the bacterium-host interactions.The mechanisms of secretion of effectors through two lipid bilayers in Gram-negative bacteria can be classified into several types with standardized nomenclature,from type Ⅰ secretion system (T1SS) to type Ⅵ secretion system (T6SS)1.These six effector pathways have attracted lots of researchers from the domains of both bioinformatics and microbiology,although some new secretion systems are surfacing and much more stranger to us.
Lectins are a diverse type of glycoproteins or carbohydrate-binding proteins that have a wide distribution to various species.Because of the ability to agglutinate red blood cells,they are named leeti
Phosphorylation is one of the most important protein post-translation modifications.With the rapid development of high-throughput mass spectrometry,phosphorylation site data is rapidly accumulating,wh
Many works have reported that the protein folding rates are influenced by the amino acid sequences and the protein structures.But,few reports on the problem whether the corresponding mRNA sequences ar
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play critical roles in various biological processes.More and more RBPs are found recently.Identifying RBPs by computational prediction is still challenging.In this study,we
S-palmitoylation is a key regulatory mechanism controlling protein targeting,localization,stability and activity.Since increasing evidence shows that its disruption is implicated in many human disease
Although non-coding DNA sequences do not encode proteins[1,2],more and more studies show that non-coding DNA plays an indispensable role in other aspects[3].In this paper,variant maps[4,5]are applied
Over sufficiently long genomic sequence,strand symmetry is a ubiquitous and explicit phenomenon.Despite being studied over two decades,the exact mechanism involved in strand-symmetry has not yet been
肉苁蓉(学名:Cistanche deserticola Ma)属于肉苁蓉属列当科,素有“沙漠人参”之美誉,具有极高的药用价值。多年来,肉苁蓉的研究多集中在其药用价值的研发、生物活性成分的分离鉴定以及人工栽培等方面,而对其遗传物质及其分子水平的研究鲜有报道。肉苁蓉是多年生专性全寄生性草本植物,专性寄生于藜科小乔木梭梭(Haloxylonammodendron)根部,而梭梭是适于生长在沙漠地区的抗旱
Coding/Non-coding genomic sequences[1]play a central role in modem Bioinformatics and System Biology especially for diagnosis of cancers & diseases base on genomic data sequences acquisition collected
Chor et al found that tetrapods animals (including all mammals) the frequency distribution of k-mer is showing multiple peaks.If the k-mer according to the number it contains CG dinucleotide classific