Stress Induced Cardiomyopathy: An Update

来源 :BITs 1rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2009(200 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suwenyin52
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  Stress induced cardiomyopathy or takotsubo syndrome is a form of non ischaemic cardiomyoapthy due to stressful condition.There are reported cases of variants of stress cardiomyopathy with apical ballooning and mid ventricular ballooning patterns.Although the evidence for the cause for stress induced cardiomyopathy remains inconclusive.The current evidence points to the sudden release in catecholamines levels as the probable cause.I have published a paper which looks at the in vitro evidence from animal models of sudden catecholamines and its relation to a case of stress cardiomyopathy under my care.In my presentation, I would like to update the audience with the current evidence on this issue based on both invitro and invivo studies.I would explore the outcomes of these cases and other possible etiologies for this condition.
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