Combining positive and negative human-wildlife interactions to inform top predator conservation mana

来源 :第九届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfasdf32111
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  Effective and appropriate conservation in todays rapidly developing China,is urgently required if we are to protect its critically endangered top predator species.Additionally,many of Chinas ecologically important areas are also home to people,often living with a high dependence on the same habitats endangered species require to survive.
[目的]通过采集夏季神农架金丝猴的主要食源植物15 种并结合自由择食试验,根据其对不同植物的偏好性不同及植物自身的特点,来探讨神农架金丝猴夏季对食源植物的选择特点。
Inter-group conflicts are common among many group-living animals and involve potentially complex motivations and interactions.Mammals living in multilevel societies offer a good opportunity to study i
研究显示,听神经元的频率调谐曲线(frequency tuning curve,FTC)从听觉外周到中枢,以及从低位中枢到高位中枢,呈现出一种逐级锐化的趋势,使神经元对频率分析的能力逐级增强.先前的细胞外记录研究认为,被锐化的原因是抑制性输入在兴奋性的FTC 高、低频边形成侧抑制区所致(Suga,1995;Chen& Jen,2000;Jen et al.,2002).
Comparative studies of sympatric species are essential to understanding species’ behavioral and ecological adaptation as well as the mechanisms that can reduce resource competition enough to allow coe
In social animals an individuals fitness depends,in part,on the quality of social relationships with partners.In this study,using partner preference,quality of social bonds (defined as grooming equali
Many ecological studies and conservation management plans employ sign surveys based on the assumption that species’ scats can be correctly identified in the field.However in habitats with sympatric si
秦岭川金丝猴的社会组织是建立在一雄多雌(one male unit,OMU)社会单元基础之上的重层社会.OMU 单元间的关系是维持重层社会种群稳定的基础.本研究通过单元形成的时间与联署关系及社会等级关系探讨川金丝猴种群稳定维持机制.
Many felid species (leopard (Panthera pardus),south china tiger (Panthera tigrisamoyensis),clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa),asiatic golden cat (Pardofelis temminckii),marbled cat(Pardofelis marmora