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[学位论文] 作者:邹宏阳, 来源:天津大学 年份:2019
As the largest emission source,electricity production releases more than 40%of the total CO_2emissions...
[学位论文] 作者:宋天成, 来源:东南大学 年份:2019
According to the partial target for China’s “13th Five-year plan” guideline, China will establish relatively...independent and standardized electricity trading institutions, make fair and orderly market...
[学位论文] 作者:郭盛,, 来源:内蒙古师范大学 年份:2004
[学位论文] 作者:雅各布, 来源:同济大学 年份:2017
The State Council of the People’s Republic of China has on February 21, 2016 issued the guideline in...
[学位论文] 作者:葛苏, 来源:俄勒岗健康医科大学 年份:1992
Coal currently generates more than half of U.S. electricity, and this percentage is predicted to increase...
[学位论文] 作者:刘天凤, 来源:湘潭大学 年份:2021
在此背景下,本翻译实践选取了A Question of Power:Electricity and the Wealth of Nations一书的第一部分进行翻译。...
[学位论文] 作者:万娟娟,, 来源:华中师范大学 年份:2012
中华全国基督教协进会(National Christian Council of China,以下简称协进会)是差会与教会共同建立的全国性基督教联合机构,其前身是中华基督教续行委办会(China Continuati...
[学位论文] 作者:万娟娟, 来源:华中师范大学 年份:2012
中华全国基督教协进会(National Christian Council of China,以下简称协进会)是差会与教会共同建立的全国性基督教联合机构,其前身是中华基督教续行委办会(China Continuation...
[学位论文] 作者:张敏, 来源:黑龙江大学 年份:2021
本翻译报告材料节选自爱尔兰共和国议会于2001年颁布,并于2006年及2015年修订的Teaching Council Act(《教学委员会法》)。该法隶属行政法,具有行政法用词专业,逻辑严谨的特征。...
[学位论文] 作者:WAWERU WINNIE WANJIRU, 来源:南京理工大学 年份:2017
Since China’s reforms,the country has experienced tremendous growth and expansion,the China’s government...
[学位论文] 作者:ADAM WADE MATTESON, 来源:安徽师范大学 年份:2007
The auto sector in China is poised for rapid expansion....As more and more residents in China arrive at middle class status,more will become first and second-time...
[学位论文] 作者:Lena Nishnianidze, 来源:山东大学 年份:2023
development of the three South Caucasian countries:Azerbaijan,Armenia and Georgia’s relation with China.The...main focus of this work is to show the role of China...
[学位论文] 作者:Jiravot Thangthokit, 来源:南开大学 年份:2009
Because of the economic progress of China and Chinas participating as a WTOmember, other countries have...
[学位论文] 作者:SAIDKHODZHAEV UBAYDULLO, 来源:对外经济贸易大学 年份:2020
The Shanghai cooperation organization is a regional security organization in which both China and Russia...are leading countries.This Organization has given China and Russia space to develop relations w...
[学位论文] 作者:龙雷德, 来源:对外经济贸易大学 年份:2013
The thesis examines the evolution of the Labor Market in China starting from DengXiaopings reforms up...
[学位论文] 作者:Sakol Pojpatinya, 来源:云南财经大学 年份:2016
China has taken its place among the worlds largest economies....Despite itsadmirable economic boom, China still lags behind developed countries in innovationprodu...
[学位论文] 作者:Osman Hulusi TAKCI, 来源:上海交通大学 年份:2023
Over four decades China’s spectacular achievement in its economic performance has enabled China to harness...its economic power and to pursue its own agenda on global scale.Today China’s increasing econ...
[学位论文] 作者:Viachaslau Yarotski, 来源:浙江大学 年份:2013
Cooperation with universities in China (5.7%) ranks fifth in the structure of international relations...China has an active polic...
[学位论文] 作者:MARIE JEANNE SIGA SARR, 来源:对外经济贸易大学 年份:2013
This paper concentrates the effect of medical coverage on individual out-of-pocket healthexpenses in China.Utilizing...China Health and Nutrition Survey informati...
[学位论文] 作者:Arthur de Paula Guimar?es, 来源:上海交通大学 年份:2019
Brazil and China share a mutual friendly development for international business,investment and trading.Both...