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[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:CHINA TODAY 年份:2019
Huawei’s World View  Xinmin Weekly  Issue No. 21, 2019  According to Orville Schell, director of the...-China Relations at the Asia Society, Huawei is quite an extraordinary company doing...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:Beijing Review 年份:2019
Huawei is a commercial company with the choice to use its products left to consumers’ personal preferences...and not to be linked to politics, said Ren Zhengfei, founder and President of Huawei Technolo...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:今日中国:英文版 年份:2015
SINCE entering Uzbekistan in 1999, Huawei has grown into the country's biggest supplier of telecommunications...Not only has Huawei introduced 3G techno...
[期刊论文] 作者:JIAO FENG,, 来源:China Today 年份:2015
SINCE entering Uzbekistan in 1999,Huawei has grown into the country’s biggest supplier of telecommunications...equipment.Not only has Huawei introduced 3G techno...
[期刊论文] 作者:By Zhou Xiaoyan, 来源:Beijing Review 年份:2013
Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Chinese telecom giant Huawei, was recently chosen as one of the 100...Ironically enough, his company Huawei, the w...
[期刊论文] 作者:By LIU XINLIAN, 来源:Beijing Review 年份:2011
and Technology in central China’s Hubei Province, ended her employment hunt by accepting a job with Huawei...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:China's Foreign Trade 年份:1995
Vice Premier of the State Council Zou Jiahua made an important speech recently at the National Conference...
[期刊论文] 作者:DU ZHAOWEI, 来源:今日中国·西班牙文版 年份:2015
Huawei da pasos firmes en Arabia Saudita...
[期刊论文] 作者:Liu Qirong, 来源:中国西藏:英文版 年份:2013
Zou Guifen is a 46-year-old Tibetan lady.She lives in Meixing Town, Xiaojin County in Sichuan Province.For...
[期刊论文] 作者:朱文嘉,, 来源:移动信息 年份:2007
HUAWEI U535超薄之后,圆润的设计风格大行其道。华为[HUAWEI]U535完美地发挥了圆润的精髓,圆弧与直线的有机结合,金属质感的环形装饰,以及机身表面覆盖的柔性材质,都带给你奇...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:中国对外贸易:英文版 年份:2005
Chinese telecommunications equipment giant Huawei Technologies Co....
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:时代金融 年份:2016
8月31日,Huawei Pay正式上线。...继支持Apple Pay、Samsung Pay服务后,招商银行在移动支付领域再次扩大版图,与华为公司达成合作,成为首批支持Huawei Pay服务的银行之一。至此,...
[期刊论文] 作者:DU ZHAOWEI, 来源:今日中国·法文版 年份:2015
Huawei:pour une Arabie saoudite mieux connectée...
[期刊论文] 作者:黄兵, 来源:微型计算机 年份:2021
34英寸宽广视野加一体式SoundBar  HUAWEI MateView GT拥有34英寸大尺寸面板,同时为了营造更好的沉浸式体验,它采用了曲面屏设计,曲率为1500R,屏幕弯曲的弧度很明显。...不同于传统的曲面显示器外观,HUAWEI MateView GT在外观上进行了创新,在底座上加入了一体式SoundBar。通过支架连接的SoundBa...
[期刊论文] 作者:丁往道,, 来源:英语学习 年份:1998
Zou Ji, prime minister ofthe state of Qi under KingWei, was tall and hand-some....
[期刊论文] 作者:YAN WEIJUAN, 来源:CHINA TODAY 年份:2011
InAugust 2011, I visited the Cameroon branch of Huawei Technologies...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:消费电子 年份:2015
Huawei Watch直径42毫米,它无疑是迄今为止最时尚的Android Wear智能手表之一。它采用防刮的蓝宝石玻璃和不锈钢一体化设计,有金色、银色和黑色三种配色选择。表带材质包括皮革和不锈钢。...Huawei Watch支持心率监测和常见的运动追踪功能,同时内建有六轴运动感应器和气压计。不过,由于谷歌Android Wear在中国的使用问题,该款手表至少要9月才能推...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:电脑爱好者 年份:2020
4月8日,在2020华为春季新品线上发布会上,HUAWEI P40系列在中国正式发布,HUAWEIP40、HUAWEI P40 Pro、HUAWEI P40 Pro+三款机型集中亮相。...其中HUAWEI P40 6GB+128GB版、8GB+128GB版和8GB+256GB版价格分别为4188元、4...
[期刊论文] 作者:By staff reporter JIAO FENG, 来源:CHINA TODAY 年份:2015
Advanced Technology Promoting Local Economic Development  Huawei is now a world leader in networking...
[期刊论文] 作者:黄兵(文/图), 来源:微型计算机 年份:2021
直到今年的华为全场景智慧生活发布会上,才正式揭开了华为显示器的神秘面纱——HUAWEI MateView和MateView GT。...这两款显示器分别定位于不同的使用场景,HUAWEI MateView主打的是专业办公应用,而HUAWEI MateView GT则是主打的电竞游戏。...