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[期刊论文] 作者:ZhangRongyan, 来源:文艺生活 年份:2021
Qiang nationality has the reputation of “nation on the cloud”....Most of the Qiang tribes are located in Sichuan Province. In the long history, Qiang nationalit...
[期刊论文] 作者:Li Yingtao,Ma Zhitao, 来源:当代社会科学(英文) 年份:2021
The Qiang ethnic group in southern Songpan county lives in vernacular plank houses(VPHs) with an architectural...
[会议论文] 作者:, 来源:null 年份:2021
With the rapid development of network language,the new language phenomenon "XX-Zi" gradually spread."...XX-Zi" has a certain basis of dialect use.In subcategory constructions,"XX" can be a noun,adjective...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zengrui Zhang,Bin Shao,Yanzhao Li,Qiang Zan, 来源:临床护理研究 年份:2021
The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical experience of Zan Qiang,a famous doctor of Traditional...
[期刊论文] 作者:罗伯特·罗素,黄璇, 来源:红领巾·萌芽 年份:2021
[期刊论文] 作者:刘俊熙, 来源:小天使·一年级语数英综合 年份:2021
早zǎo上shànɡ,桌zhuō上shànɡ放fànɡ了le一yì盘pán饺jiǎo子zi,妈mā妈mɑ说shuō:“今jīn天tiān吃chī饺jiǎo子zi哦o!”  ...白bái胖pànɡ胖pànɡ的de饺jiǎo子zi们men都dōu戴dài着zhe一yì顶dǐnɡ花huā边biān帽mào,在zài碗wǎn里lǐ,你nǐ推tuī我wǒ,我wǒ擠jǐ你nǐ,好hǎo像...
[期刊论文] 作者:By Qi Li, 来源:China’s foreign Trade 年份:2021
Providing Better Health Products for Mankind ——Exclusive Interview with Zhou...
[期刊论文] 作者:邵雪影, 来源:青春岁月 年份:2021
China has developed for more than five thousand years and poems which originated from Zhou Dynasty about...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:红领巾·萌芽 年份:2021
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:Beijing Review 年份:2021
CHINESE ASTROPHYSICIST PASSES AWAY  Zhou Youyuan, an astrophysicist and academician of the Chinese Academy...Zhou made outstanding cont...
[期刊论文] 作者:刘友开, 来源:阅读(低年级) 年份:2021
[期刊论文] 作者:Yun Luo,Ying Chen,Rong Geng,Bei Li,Jing Chen,Kai Zhao,Xiao-Shuang Zheng,Wei Zhang,Peng Zhou,Xing-Lou, 来源:中国病毒学:英文版 年份:2021
)is a novel swine enteric coronavirus belonged to the Coronaviridae family,Alphacoronavirus genus (Zhou...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:神经解剖学杂志 年份:2021
[期刊论文] 作者:韩良朋, 来源:疯狂英语·新悦读 年份:2021
Zhou Yu, who lives in Dali, Southwest Chinas Yunnan Province, has drawn more than 700 pictures based...Zhou, from North Chinas...
[期刊论文] 作者:郭丽莎, 来源:阅读(低年级) 年份:2021
在zài村cūn子zi的de尽jìn头tóu,有yǒu一yì棵kē老lǎo枫fēnɡ树shù,树shù下xià有yǒu一yí个ɡè小xiǎo小xiǎo的de理lǐ发fà摊tān。  ...这zhè个ɡè理lǐ发fà摊tān只zhǐ有yǒu一yì张zhānɡ椅yǐ子zi、一yí面miàn镜jìnɡ子zi、一yí个ɡè装zhuānɡ工ɡōnɡ具jù的de小xiǎo木mù箱xiānɡ子zi和hé...
[期刊论文] 作者:王震亚, 来源:作文周刊·小学一年级版 年份:2021
[期刊论文] 作者:Ma Xiaowen, 来源:北京周报(英文版) 年份:2021
application of taxes to the digital economy in order to avoid a potential “new tariff war,” forewarned Zhou...
[期刊论文] 作者:五元, 来源:数学大王·低年级 年份:2021
不一样的跷跷板   “山shān谷ɡǔ里lǐ最zuì大dà的de那nà棵kē橘jú子zi树shù,满mǎn树shù的de橘jú子zi成chénɡ熟shú了le。...狸lí挎kuà着zhe篮lán子zi敲qiāo兔tù的de门mén,说shuō要yào一yì起qǐ找zhǎo獾huān去qù摘zhāi橘jú子zi。...
[期刊论文] 作者:王永强, 来源:今日自动化 年份:2021
Centralized Monitoring System in Xishan  District of Wangyu River West Bank Control Project  Wang Yong-qiang...
[期刊论文] 作者:解强,卿树明, 来源:今日自动化 年份:2021
6487 (2021) 02-0003-02  Application of PLC Technology in Electrical Equipment Automation Control  Xie Qiang...