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[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Hu Bayi is not a simple role. He is a grave robber who familiar with Feng Shui science and had ventured into the mysterious underground world for many times. He had experienced a hail① of bullets on t...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Majime, the protagonist① of The Great Passage, took 15 years to compile② a dictionary called The Great Passage with his colleagues. It might look boring, but inspiring actually. Surrounded by various...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
The story of mobile game Onmyouji is set in ancient Japan, when human and ghost can exist together. There is a group of ultra-capable people who can across the worlds of Yin and Yang. They try their b...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Luoluo(Wu Qian) was saved by Chen Changsheng (Lu Han) and asked him to be her teacher. She tried hard but always be rejected. The scene that she hugs Changsheng’s leg like a panda was greatly admired....
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
A cursed man-beast is transformed into a handsome prince by the love of a beautiful girl. Live-action Beauty and Beast , starring British actors Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, finally has been released....
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Kobayashi is a female engineer, one day she was drunk and met a dragon girl. She complained a lot to the dragon. After knowing the dragon is homeless, she invited Thor to her house. And Thor became he...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Ajin is a rare comic work for it has mixed together the elements of special role set, action, suspense and fantasy. A talented high school student Nagai Kyu was killed by a truck and back to life mira...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
He was the god of war, but died in the sword of his Lord. Jin Xin (Gong Yoo) became a ghost in the reincarnation① who can not die because of the resentment of death and interference of God. Only the "...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Princess Weiyang tells the story of Princess Xiner accidentally becomes "Lee Weiyang" and fights with her enemy after went through destruction of her country and family. It is interesting that this CP...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Although Chu Qiao is a slave, her faith of abolition slavery is burning like fi re. Nobleman Yu Wenyue has the same ideal. He turned to be a strict teacher, and put Chu Qiao through very tough practic...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
Kotaro and Akane Mizuno are classmates, and both have a gentle character. Most of time, they dwell on bashfulness and scare to look at each other. After falling in love, Kotaro began to learn how to a...
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
《如果蜗牛有爱情》:再慢也要爬向你  《如果蜗牛有爱情》讲述了高冷刑警队长季白和警界新人许诩两人一起破案的故事。剧中的男女主角的性格设定十分新奇有趣。王凯饰演的季白是个深沉冷酷的神探,高冷又毒舌,好像“狮子”般高傲大气、喜欢掌控一切。而王子文饰演......
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:意林绘英语 年份:2017
李易峰:其实我也挺喜欢我自己的  有着游刃有余的洒脱、不可忽略的美颜,却活成了才华横溢的段子手、多角度自拍的真性情逗比。粉上浑身上下散发着积极向上的正能量的李易峰,应该是一件幸福的事。这些流传在民间的段子,看了不要萌哭哦。Q:之前最討厌人家因为你的外......
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:美食堂 年份:2016
向往生活中充满绿植,却苦于阳台没有多余的空间种植,好好利用家中角角落落的垂直空间,让自己轻松拥有“私人花园”或者“菜园”吧。  忙于工作、疲于照顾家人的你,是否也想体验一下种植的乐趣,以缓解疲惫?谁说植物一定要种在阳台?除了阳台,每个房间的小角落其实都有容......
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:美食堂 年份:2017
《欢乐颂》里五位有个性的女主都在认真寻找属于自己的那份爱情,其实通过打造自己的小家就可以轻松获得桃花运哦!  住在欢乐颂小区的5个姑娘,有着不同的性格,但都努力工作、积极生活着。在爱情方向,安迪的疑惧、樊胜美的心机、曲筱绡的奔放、邱莹莹的痴纯、关雎尔......
[期刊论文] 作者:Zoey, 来源:美食堂 年份:2015
深秋,暖暖的阳光穿过枝头,树影婆娑在地上照射出斑斑光点。秋是比春还令人舒适的季节,我们为何不将这美妙又舒适的季节留在房间里呢?  进入深秋,大自然呈现出饱满而成熟的丰收景象,天气变冷,如何将居家环境与深秋的大自然联系在一起?  “远岸秋沙白,连山晚照红。”秋......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZOEY, 来源:私人飞机 年份:2016
英国航空90多年来,一直独具匠心打造别具魅力的空中翱翔体验,随着全新头等客舱在2010年2月正式亮相,为英国航空此项悠久传统树立了又一里程碑。英国航空斥资1亿英镑打造的全新头等客舱,尽显极致奢华。  1924年,英国航空前身帝国航空公司(Imperial Airways)正式成立,3......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZOEY, 来源:私人飞机 年份:2016
他是独自环球航海的英雄人物,也是中国当代航海史上的一面旗帜,他将中国当代的航海与帆船文化再次推向高潮,并创立航海学院以及“海上丝绸之路”航海文化交流项目。殊不知,翟墨原本是一位艺术家,一名印象派油画家。  作为国内首屈一指的航海家,翟墨曾花两年半的时间......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZOEY, 来源:私人飞机 年份:2016
法国是全球旅行者的梦想之地,飞法国乘坐法国航空是大众的首选,法国航空公司(Air France)(法国航空-荷兰皇家航空集团旗下公司)的总部位于法国巴黎夏尔·戴高乐国际机场,同时也是法国国营航空公司。  作为“天合联盟”成员之一,法航成立于1933年,在2004年5月收购荷兰皇......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZOEY, 来源:私人飞机 年份:2016
张辉,  一个在北京最繁华CBD地区拥有自己的葡萄酒产业的企业家,  但同时又是一个不断创新的职业画家,  他从不在意框架与教条,  在创作上几近疯狂,  在30岁之后开创独树一帜的创作手法,  成为架上绘画中的一匹黑马。  绘画能力有时候是依靠天分,有时候......