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[期刊论文] 作者:Danni, 来源:品位 年份:2012
身边那个和你约定走完下半生的人,需要你IQ、EQ双管齐下,和他一起把接下来的大把时光营造得趣味盎然。《品位》盘点了女人在婚姻中常有的思维盲点,并对症下药,让你的婚姻有爱更有趣。  盲点1:男人要怎么夸?  结婚以后才发现,男人婚前不曾有的脾气有时会莫名其妙地冒上来。难道对付他还要像哄小孩一样,想尽办法夸?  应对方案:夸男人,就夸他的好头发  想撬开一个女人的心,先要学会赞美她的穿着;而要撬开一个...
[期刊论文] 作者:Danni, 来源:优格 年份:2012
身边那个和你约定走完下半生的人,需要你IQ、EQ双管齐下和他一起把接下来的大把时光营造得趣味盎然。  男人要怎么夸  结婚以后才发现,男人婚前不曾有的脾气有时会莫名其妙地冒出来。难道对付他还要像哄小孩儿一样,想尽办法夸?  应对方案:夸男人,就夸他的好头发  想撬开一个女人的心,先要学会赞美她的穿着;而要撬开一个男人的心,第一步是要学会称赞他的头发。原因在于,衣服和头发,都是女人和男人花了心思去“...
[期刊论文] 作者:LIN Danni, 来源:文学与艺术研究:英文版 年份:2019
Aesthetics is an important part of F.Nietzsche’s ideological system.This paper is based on Nietzsche’s experience and masterpieces of different periods,review...
[期刊论文] 作者:DANNI WU, 来源:校园英语·中旬 年份:2017
Introduction  As an increasing number of students are studying at university level. More and more researchers pay close attention to this as well as the forms of assessment. Universities across the gl...
[期刊论文] 作者:Danni Lin, 来源:卷宗 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:by Liu Danni, 来源:China Pictorial 年份:2015
Through September 4, 2015, Guangdong Museum of Art is welcoming visitors to “China School in World Animation and Comic Art: An Exhibition of Chinese and Foreign Cartoon Art” jointly presented by the C...
[期刊论文] 作者:蛛蛛 Danni, 来源:品位 年份:2012
红色,是精神和能量的颜色,有研究表明红色能瞬间让人精神振奋。在情场,红色能增加吸引力;在商场,红色能让对手感受到压迫感;在职场,红色能提点出新年的精气神儿。2012年的新年,我们一起去看看世界各地的“红”都出现在哪里,看看新一年里职场女将们又给自己规划了怎样的“红”图大志。  红色葡萄酒诱惑  宝石红、鲜红、深红、紫红、瓦红、棕红……不愧是多年的葡萄酒经营者,来自法国的Florence Barth...
[期刊论文] 作者:Danni 黄艳芳, 来源:oggi今日风采 年份:2013
婚礼本身是新人送给自己以及宾客的一段共同记忆。在这段记忆中,有一些细节是特别值得关注、能够体现新人对完美的追求的……一张设计独特精美,又将婚礼的主题、新人祝福、婚礼流程等细节体现出来的婚卡,会让所有人更有所期待;一个美美的婚礼蛋糕,能瞬间提升婚礼的甜美感;而一件完美凸显新娘曼妙身材的婚纱,更能体现新娘独特的品味,将婚礼推向一个高潮。  为Oggi新娘特别定制  它叫Ariel,如同沐浴晨光中的人鱼...
[期刊论文] 作者:张益,Danni,, 来源:文化交流 年份:2012
[会议论文] 作者:Danni Li,Yaguang Ma, 来源:中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 年份:2016
PurposeToanalyzeanewpatientpositioningstrategytoreduceandavoidshoulderstreakartifactsinneckCT Materials and methods Self-controlstudywasusedtocomparethetwopositioningstrateg...
[会议论文] 作者:Danni Zhang,Yongfeng Jia, 来源:第五届国际湿法冶金学术会议(5th International Conference on Hydrometallurg 年份:2009
  Lime neutralization and coprecipitation of As(Ⅴ) with iron(Ⅲ) are regarded as the most effective and economical method for the removal and immobilization...
[期刊论文] 作者:YUAN Danni,CHEN Liangdong,LUAN, 来源:中国海洋大学学报:英文版 年份:2020
Understanding the relationship between the zooplankton distribution and salinity may provide key information to understand ecosystem function under the conditio...
[会议论文] 作者:Wang Yan,Qin Danni,Cao Yongkang, 来源:11th International Symposium on Environment‐Behavior Researc 年份:2014
There are many research results about Shanghai Shikumen buildings conservation,but the literature organization works are insufficient.By the method of literature survey,this paper obtained many relate...
[期刊论文] 作者:Danni Zhang,Shaofeng Wang,Ying, 来源:环境科学学报(英文版) 年份:2019
It is well known that calcium arsenates may not be a good choice for arsenic removal and immobilization in hydrometallurgical practices.However,they are still p...
[会议论文] 作者:Renkuan Guo,Yanghong Cui,Danni Guo, 来源:第九届中国不确定系统年会、第五届中国智能计算大会、第十三届中国青年信息与管理学者大会 年份:2011
Classical statistical modeling and data analysis are typically assuming certain distributional family governing the behavior of data collected.The driven force is either a hypothesized probability dis...
[会议论文] 作者:Danni Guo,Renkuan Guo,Yanghong Cui, 来源:第九届中国不确定系统年会、第五届中国智能计算大会、第十三届中国青年信息与管理学者大会 年份:2011
The Quiver trees spread in arid Namibia and South Africa.In order to investigate the spatial distribution pattern associated with climate changes,from 2002 to 2008, Quiver trees observational data wer...
[期刊论文] 作者:Yin Jia,Xuya Xiong,Danni Wang,, 来源:纳微快报:英文版 年份:2020
Immobilizing metal atoms by multiple nitrogen atoms has triggered exceptional catalytic activity toward many critical electrochemical reactions due to their mer...
[期刊论文] 作者:CONG DanNi,TANG ZhengQuan,LI L, 来源:中国科学:生命科学英文版 年份:2011
Neuronal ion channels of different types often do not function independently but will inhibit or potentiate the activity of other types of channels,a process ca...
[期刊论文] 作者:Li Danni,Li Jinming,Guo Yanfang, 来源:中华医学杂志英文版 年份:2014
[会议论文] 作者:Wenhui Wang,Danni Lan,Quan Li, 来源:第二届中国(国际)能源材料化学研讨会 年份:2017
Na ion batteries(NIBs) are promising alternatives for Lithium ion batteries(LIBs) mainly due to the Na abundance and low cost.A major difference between NIBs and LIBs lies in the size of the cations—t...