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[会议论文] 作者:RuxinLi;ZhizhanXu;, 来源:International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers Devel 年份:2008
  We will report the recent progress in ultrafast intense laser development and high field laser physics research at SIOM, including the few cycle intense las...
[期刊论文] 作者:ZhizhanXu,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2015
With the rapid development of ultrafast intense laser technologies, the interaction of intense laser radiation with matter has been a frontier for few decades. The International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP), initiated in 1977......
[期刊论文] 作者:HuailiangXu,RuxinLi,SeeLeangChin, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2015
The visible and near-UV emission spectroscopy of methane (CH4...
[期刊论文] 作者:XiongShen,PengWang,JunLiu,RuxinLi, 来源:HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering 年份:2018
The linear angular dispersion of a self-diffraction (SD) pulse, from a femtosecond laser pulse cleaning device, is compensated for by the use of a single prism. More than...
[期刊论文] 作者:GuicunLi,YinghuiZheng,ZhinanZeng,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2017
We theoretically investigate the attosecond pulse generation in an orthogonal multicycle midinfrared two-color laser field. It is demonstrated that multiple continuum-like humps, which consist of about twenty orders of harmonics and an inte......
[期刊论文] 作者:PengWang,JunLiu,FangjiaLi,XiongShen,RuxinLi, 来源:PhotonicsResearch 年份:2015
The generation of multicolored sidebands with the spectrum from 377 to 970 nm in a 0.5-mm-thick N-WG280 Schott glass based on a cascaded four-wave mixing (CFWM) process is demonstrated. The experimental setup is compact and economical. A pu......
[期刊论文] 作者:JinxingXue,CandongLiu,ZhinanZeng,RuxinLi,ZhizhanXu, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2019
We theoretically investigate the delay-dependent attosecond transient absorption spectra in the helium atom dressed by an infrared laser pulse in the wavelength range of 800–2400 nm. By numerically solving the three-dimensional time-depend......
[期刊论文] 作者:XiongShen,JunLiu,FangjiaLi,PengWang,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2015
A geometry of transient-grating self-referenced spectral interferometry (TG-SRSI) is proposed for weak femtosecond pulse characterization. By using a reflective microscope objective (RMO), we build a compact, robust, and easy to adjust devi......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZebiaoGan,XiaoyanLiang,LianghongYu,JiaqiHong,MingXu,YingHang,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2017
We experimentally compare the output abilities of lightly and heavily doped Ti:Sapphire (Ti:S) amplifiers with diameters as large as 150 mm. Although a lightly doped Ti:S is more favorable to overcome parasitic lasing (PL) and transverse am......
[期刊论文] 作者:LiZheng,ChengWang,ShaohuiLi,BingchenLiu,GuoquanNi,RuxinLi,ZhizhanXu, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2006
An investigation of the cluster size dependence of the maximum energy of protons ejected from explosion of methane clusters in an intense femtosecond laser field has been conducted on the basis of the cluster size estimation by Rayleigh sca......
[期刊论文] 作者:JingMiao,PengfeiWei,ZhinanZeng,ChuangLi,XiaochunGe,RuxinLi,ZhizhanXu, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2014
A new polarization gating is demonstrated by our principle-of-proof experiment, which is theoretically proposed to generate the isolated or double attosecond pulses with the multi-cycle driving laser pulse in the previous work [Optics Expre......
[期刊论文] 作者:XinhuaXie,ZhinanZeng,RuxinLi,YunpeiDeng,HaiheLu,DingjunYin,ZhizhanXu, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in Ar gas-filled cell is investigated experimentally. We obtain phase-matched 27th order harmonic driven by a commercially available solid-state femtosecond laser system at 0.55 mJ/pulse energy l......
[期刊论文] 作者:JunyuQian,YujiePeng,YanyanLi,PengfeiWang,BeijieShao,ZheLiu,YuxinLeng,RuxinLi, 来源:PhotonicsResearch 年份:2020
A femtosecond mid-infrared optical vortex laser can be used for high harmonic generation to extend cutoff energy to the kilo-electron-volt range with orbital angular momentum, as well as other secondary radiations. For these, we demonstrate......
[期刊论文] 作者:WenpengWang,ChengJiang,ShashaLi,HaoDong,BaifeiShen,YuxinLeng,RuxinLi,ZhizhanXu, 来源:HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering 年份:2019
The original article contained a spelling error in the first author’s name. The correct name is shown here....
[期刊论文] 作者:WenpengWang,ChengJiang,ShashaLi,HaoDong,BaifeiShen,YuxinLeng,RuxinLi,ZhizhanXu, 来源:HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering 年份:2019
Multidimensional instabilities always develop with time during the process of radiation pressure acceleration, and are detrimental to the generation of monoenergetic proton beams. In this paper, a sharp-front laser is proposed to irradiate ......
[期刊论文] 作者:JiamingJiang,PengfeiWei,ZhinanZeng,XiaolongYuan,YinghuiZheng,XiaochunGe,RuxinLi,ZhizhanXu, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2015
We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate that the property (odd or even) of generated harmonics can be selected by manipulating the macroscopic phase-matching conditions based on a three-color laser field. Only odd or even harmonics ......
[期刊论文] 作者:HaoGuo,ZhongbinZhu,TiejunWang,NaChen,YaoxiangLiu,JianhaoZhang,HaiyiSun,JianshengLiu,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2018
We demonstrate a simple technique to filter out the continuum background in filament-induced remote breakdown spectroscopy. By inserting a polarizer before the detector, the continuum background was reduced by more than 42% in filament-indu......
[期刊论文] 作者:YufeiWang,ZhenrongSun,Shi'anZhang,ZugengWang,JianLin,WenhaiHuang,ZhizhanXu,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
We have performed time-resolved degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) experiments in 75Nb_{2}O_{5 }-20TeO_{2}-5ZnO glasses dopedby Er_{2}O_{3} at different excitation intensities and lattice temperatures. DFWM signal exhibits three peaks at hi......
[期刊论文] 作者:JunyuQian,PengfeiWang,YujiePeng,YanyanLi,BeijieShao,HongpengSu,XinlinLv,DingWang,YuxinLeng,RuxinLi, 来源:PhotonicsResearch 年份:2021
The generation of high-peak-power, few-cycle mid-infrared (MIR) pulses using coherent beam combination and nonlinear pulse compression techniques simultaneously is demonstrated. The two pulses, with identical pulse energy of 2.8 mJ and puls......
[期刊论文] 作者:LiJiang,Shi'anZhang,YufeiWang,ZhenrongSun,ZugengWang,JianLin,WenhaiHuang,ZhizhanXu,RuxinLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
We investigated nonlinear optical properties of ZnO-Nb_(2)O_(5)-TeO_(2) glass excited by a femtosecond laser with time-resolved four-wave mixing (FWM) technique. The unusual FWM signals were observed in samples with ZnO dopant. The mechanis......