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[期刊论文] 作者:ZhaoyingWang,ZhenhongYu,ChunfengGe,RuifengZhang,DongfangJia,ShichenLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2003
The advantages of using nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) to compress pulse with slight amplitude fluctuation and reflected energy loss are analyzed in theory. Experimentally the NOLM is placed in an actively mode-locked erbium-doped fib......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZhaoyingWang,ZhiyongLi,ChunfengGe,ZhiyongHu,DongfangJia,ShichenLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
The principle of broad-band orthogonal-pump (BOP) four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers is analyzed in theory. The conversion efficiency reduces rapidly as the detuning of wavelength between the signal and pump increase which......
[期刊论文] 作者:KaiChen,QiuqingSheng,ChunfengGe,XiaoyiDong,JunHan,ShengpingChen, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2003
A simple method to mechanically induce a long-period fiber grating (LPFG) by a grooved plate is improved. The transmission spectra of a grating under different pressures and other types of gratings are experimentally investigated. This meth......
[期刊论文] 作者:ChengangLyu,ZiqiLiu,ZiqiangHuo,ChunfengGe,XinCheng,Haw-YawTam, 来源:PhotonicsResearch 年份:2020
In this study, a high-sensitivity, high-spatial-resolution distributed strain-sensing approach based on a poly(methyl methacrylate) chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Linearly chirped FBGs in a p......
[期刊论文] 作者:BinTan,ZhiyongLi,ZhaoyingWang,ChunfengGe,DongfangJia,WenjunNi,ShichenLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
A 10-GHz soliton source with pulse duration between 4-8 ps and wavelength continuously tunable from 1530 to 1563 nm is presented. Using regeneratively mode-locking technology, the harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser could work without......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZhaoyingWang,ZhiyongHu,ChunfengGe,XiaojunJiang,HuanminBao,DongfangJia,ShichenLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
A novel tunable multi-wavelength fiber ring laser based on semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is proposed by using a high-birefringence (Hi-Bi) fiber loop mirror (FLM) as wavelength filter. With this configuration, the wavelength spacing......
[期刊论文] 作者:ZhaoyingWang,YongqiangWang,ZhiyongLi,DongfangJia,RanLin,ChunfengGe,RuifengZhang,ShichenLi, 来源:ChineseOpticsLetters 年份:2004
With 4.28-km dispersion-flattened fiber (DFF), more than 254.9-nm 10-dB bandwidth on the right side of zero-dispersion wavelength and a 190.4-nm wide spectral region with the uniformity of within -0.5 dB are obtained. While on the opposite......