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[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:新东方英语(大学版) 年份:2014
爱看英剧的同学都知道,英国人喜欢聚会。无论是《皮囊》(Skins)里那群翩翩少年的无底线狂欢,还是《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)里贵族家庭的奢华家宴,聚会从来都是英国人生活...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:新东方英语(大学版) 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:新东方英语(大学版) 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:新东方英语(大学版) 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
Blocks fall from the sky, and all you have to do is to control how they fall and fit within each other.Since Tetris was launched in 1986, millions of hours have...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
不久前,电视剧《甄嬛传》将在美国播出的消息震惊了不少人。原来,“老外”也爱看中国电视剧! 这些“中国电视剧迷”自称 Cfan———Chinese television fan 的简称,对于未引...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:广告大观(综合版) 年份:2006
新媒体,从字面来看就是新兴媒体的意思——“新”的定义无疑是相对的,就好像在广播、电视诞生之初,相对报纸而言也是“新媒体”一样,现今, 不同于传统媒体的都能称为“新媒体...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:新东方英语 年份:2014
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.He held up a sign which said:“I am blind,please help.”There were only a few①in the hat.A ma...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2012
closing ceremony 闭幕式 symphony 交响乐 celebrate 庆祝 finale 最后部分 clash 冲突 pregnant 怀孕的 due date 预产期 line-up 阵容 represent 代表 significant 重要的...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
Difficulty:★★ To help others, you don’t have to be an efficient expert in the art, and the main thing is the intention. You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
When astronauts return from space walks and remove their helmets,they are welcomed back with a specific smell,which is distinct and weird:something like seared...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
blah[bla:]一般用blah blah blah...来表示省略不必多说的部分或讽刺别人的长篇大论。比如My mom said that it would rain and we shouldn’t go fishing blah blah blah......
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”Published in 1813,Jane Austen’s Pride an...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
Frederic Chopin was born in1810in a small Polish town near Warsaw.His incredible talent was exposed at a young age;by the time he was seven he had already writt...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2012
On Jun. 24, 2012, three Chinese astronauts successfully completed a manual docking between Shenzhou -9 spacecraft and the orbiting spacelab Tiangong-1. China sh...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2012
你觉得自己处处不如人吗?来看看“甜柠檬心理”吧。人人都说你手中的柠檬是酸的,但你坚信它是甜的,这就是心理学上讲的“甜柠檬心Do you think you are better than everyw...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2012
If you have ever been caught in the rain without an umbrella you should appreciate this innovative lampbrella- because it is not only a streetlamp but also a sh...
[期刊论文] 作者:Asuka,, 来源:中学生天地(C版) 年份:2013
At the beginning of this year,Russian defence minister ordered that“by the end of2013,we need to finally,fully reject foot wraps in our armed forces”.Foot wra...