
来源 :芳草(小说月刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slientlamb
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本刊第一届“网络写作与文学空间”论坛,于2006年在武汉东湖开坛。此后每两年举办一届,迄今已五届。而十年来网络写作以其势不可挡的速度和力量挤占和扩充文学空间,已是不争的事实。其实本刊在开设论坛之前更早十年前,就已经关注网络写作了。1998年,《芳草》开辟了“网上文学”专栏,与“榕树下”等文学网站签约,从网上披沙沥金,筛选网络写手作品,通过本刊推介给习惯阅读传统纸媒的文学读者。又与多家门户网站合作,上传下载。与荆楚网“东湖社区”的合作最为持久有效,以一年时间12期固定版面,推介了一大批网络写手。 Our first “network writing and literary space” forum, opened in 2006 in Wuhan East Lake altar. Since then held every two years, so far has been five. It is an indisputable fact that online writing has occupied and expanded the literary space with its overwhelming speed and power over the past decade. In fact, we published a forum earlier than a decade ago, has been concerned about online writing. In 1998, Fangcao opened up a column of online literature and signed a contract with such literary websites as Banyan Tree. From the Internet, it drafted tablets of journals and screened network writers’ works, and introduced it to the habit of reading traditional paper media Literary reader. Also with a number of portals, upload and download. And Jing Chu network “East Lake Community ” the most lasting and effective cooperation, with 12 fixed pages a year, introduced a large number of network writers.
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作家出版社与叶永烈在《陈伯达传》一书的出版、发行过程中,均有过错,应确认二者共同承担民事赔偿责任。 Both Writers Publishing House and Ye Yonglie made mistakes in
一、问题的提出现在人们在社会生活中几乎一天也离不开电池。按我国年产电池 180多亿只计算 ,人均一年要消费 6~ 7节电池 ,最常使用电池的是寻呼机、手机、袖珍收音机、随身听
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