I Am Hungry

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  同学们,还记得今年第3期故事广场刊登的《A Big Tiger Hunting for Food》吗?故事中的大老虎由于遇到了三个不同寻常的动物,最后什么也没吃到,还伤了自己的嘴巴。我们今天阅读的这个剧本中的小狮子又遇到了哪些动物,品尝到了哪些食物呢?把大老虎和小狮子进行比较,你更喜欢谁?和朋友们谈谈自己的看法并把感情投入到表演中去。
  Characters(1):Father Lion, Little Lion, Little Rabbit,
  three Little Bears, Little Squirrel(2), Little Girl.
  Properties(3): the headgears(4) of those animals,
  carrots(5), three bowls of porridge(6), some peanuts(7), an apple.
  Scene 1
  Father Lion:(roaring angrily)Roar(8), roar! I am the lion, the king of the forest. No one is stronger than me. Roar, roar!
  Little Lion:Daddy! I’m hungry.
  Father Lion:You are big now. Be brave(9)! Go and find your own food.
  Little Lion:But, I don’t know how.
  Father Lion:Do it like me. Roar, roar! (roaring angrily)
  Little Lion:(softly)Roar, roar!
  Father Lion:Rush(10) to the animals and bite(11)them with your sharp teeth.(showing his sharp teeth)Go and do it now.
  Little Lion:Yes, daddy.
  Scene 2
  Little Rabbit:(singing “Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater. He says there is nothing sweeter than a carrot everyday.
  Little Lion:Hi, Rabbit! I am hungry. Roar, roar!(softly)
  Little Rabbit:Do you want some carrots?
  Little Lion:Yes, please.
  (The rabbit gives some carrots to the lion.)
  Little Lion:Thank you.
  Little Rabbit:Carrots are the best(12) food.
  Little Lion:(tasting)Yuck! I don’t like it. Anyway, thank you, Rabbit.
  (The little lion gives the carrots back to the rabbit.)
  Little Rabbit:You are welcome. (singing “Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)
  Scene 3
  Little Bears:(singing “Pease Porridge Hot”)Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in the pot, nine days old. Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot, nine days old.
  Little Lion:Hi, bears! I am hungry. Roar, roar! (softly)
  Little Bears:Do you want some porridge?
  Little Lion:Yes, please.
  (The little bears give a bowl of porridge to the lion.)
  Little Lion:Thank you.
  Little Bears:Porridge is the best food.Little Lion:(tasting)Yuck! It’s too hot. I don’t like it. Anyway, thank you, bears.
  (The little lion gives the porridge back to the little bears.)
  Little Bears:You are welcome. (singing “Pease Porridge Hot”)
  Scene 4
  Little Squirrel:(singing“Found(13) a Peanut”)Found a peanut. Found a peanut. Found a peanut just now. Just now I found a peanut. Found a peanut just now.
  Little Lion:Hi, Squirrel! I am hungry. Roar, roar!(softly)
  Little Squirrel:Do you want some peanuts?
  Little Lion:Yes, please.
  (The squirrel gives some peanuts to the lion.)
  Little Lion:Thank you.
  Little Squirrel:Peanut is the best food.
  Little Lion:(had one)Yuck! It’s too hard (14). I don’t like it. Anyway, thank you, Squirrel.
  (The little lion gives the peanuts back to the squirrel.)
  Little Squirrel:You are welcome.(singing “Found a Peanut”)
  Scene 5
  Little Girl:(singing“Apple Round”)
  Apple round. Apple red. Apple juicy. Apple sweet. Apple apple I love you. Sweet apple I love to eat.
  Little Lion:Hi, little girl! I am hungry. Roar, roar!(softly)
  Little Girl:Oh, a lion!
  (The apple drops(15)onto the
  Little Lion:What is it?(picking it up and eating) Mmm... , delicious! I like it.
  (The lion is singing“Apple Round” and going home.)
  lion rabbit bears squirrel
  carrots porridge peanuts apple
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