全国民兵政治教育统一教材 第一课 为全面落实“十五”计划建功立业

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2000年金秋10月,党的十五届五中全会在北京召开。会议站在历史的新高度,放眼全球,规划我国21世纪初叶的发展大计,会议审议并通过了由江泽民总书记亲自主持研究制定的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》(以下简称《建议》),描绘了我国在新世纪第一个五年中经济和社会发展的宏伟蓝图,集中反映了党的意志和人民的意愿,是指导中国人民在21世纪初展开伟大进军的行动纲领。全国各条战线上的民兵、预备役人员,要认真贯彻落实党的十五届五中全会精神,树立高度的责任感和使命感,信心百倍地积极投身到落实“十五”计划的宏伟事业中去,在发展经济、维护稳定和推进国防建设等方面发挥应有的作用,作出新的贡献。 一、新世纪的伟大进军 我国“十五”计划的制定和实施,是建立在“九五”计划全面完成、改革开放20多年取得巨大成就基础之上的。在过去的20多年间,经过全国各族人民的艰苦奋斗,共同努力,我国实现了现代化建设的前两步战略目标,经济和社会全面发展,人民生活总体达到了小康水平。这是一个伟大的里程碑。我国的生产力水平迈上了一个大台阶,商品短缺的状况基本终结,市场供求关系发生重大变化;社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,市场机制在配置资源中日益明显地发挥作用,经济发展的体? In the golden autumn of 2000, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. The conference stood at a new height in history and planned the development plan of the early 21st century in our country. The meeting reviewed and approved the proposal of the CPC Central Committee’s 10th Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Economy and Social Development, which was presided over by General Secretary Jiang Zemin personally. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Proposal”), portrays the grand blueprint of our country’s economic and social development in the first five years of the new century, concentrating on the will of the party and the will of the people, guiding the Chinese people in the early 21st century Proceed with a march of great march. National militia and reserve personnel on all fronts must conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and establish a high sense of responsibility and mission. They must actively devote themselves to implementing the grand cause of the 10th Five-Year Plan with full confidence , Play its due role in developing economy, maintaining stability and promoting national defense construction, and make new contributions. I. Great Progress in the New Century The formulation and implementation of the 10th Five-Year Plan of our country was based on the tremendous achievements made by the Ninth Five-Year Plan in its entirety and over 20 years of reform and opening up. In the past 20 years or so, through the arduous struggle and joint efforts of the people of all nationalities throughout the country, our country has achieved the first two steps of its strategic goal of modernization, all-round economic and social development, and people’s overall living standards have reached a well-to-do level. This is a great landmark. The level of productive forces in our country has reached a large stage. The situation of commodity shortages has basically come to an end with major changes in the market supply and demand. The initial establishment of the socialist market economic system, the increasingly obvious role played by market mechanisms in allocating resources, and the economic development of the economy,
国家科技攻关镁合金应用及产业化基地已在重庆设立。这标志着我国镁合金应用正式进入产业化阶段。镁合金是以镁为原料的高性能轻型结构材料,比重与塑料相近, National scien
近年来,浙江省平湖市人武部认真贯彻落实军委江主席“五句话”总要求,全面搞建设、反复抓落实,推进了人武部全面建设。近年来,全市武装工作21次受到上级表彰。 他们认真落实
PrefaceWith the continuous and rapid growing of the economy trend for more than 20 years after the China’s “Reform and Opening to the Outside World” policy,
当“洋货”大量涌入中国市场,并开始转由国内工厂代工生产时,长期以来依靠价格竞争的国内品牌随之优势尽失。 三菱、松下、西门子、伊莱克斯、飞利浦、诺基亚、摩托罗拉、戴
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为使修改后的《征兵工作条例》得到贯彻落实,最近,吉林省人民政府征兵办公室组织全省各市(州)征兵办公室领导及有关部门负责人进行了业务集训。 通过集训,一是加深了对文件