Optimal location and effect judgment on drainage tunnels for landslide prevention

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Z_L_Q
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An optimal drainage tunnel location determination method for landslide prevention was proposed to solve the existing problems in drainage tunnel construction. Current applications of drainage tunnel systems in China were reviewed and the functions of drainage tunnel were categorized as catchment and interception. Numerical simulations were conducted. The results show that both catchment and interception tunnels have variation of the function in the simulation of monolayer model, which shows the reduction of permeability condition in lower layer. The function of catchment can be observed in the deep slope, while the function of interception is observed near groundwater source. By using the slope safety factor and discharge water amount as the objectives of optimal drainage tunnel location, and pore-water pressure in fixed node and section flux as the judgment for construction quality of adjacent drainage tunnel, the design principle of drainage tunnel was introduced. The K103 Landslide was illustrated as an example to determine the optimal drainage tunnel location. The measured drainage tunnel efficiency was evaluated and compared with that from the numerical analyses based on groundwater data. The results validate the present numerical study. An optimal drainage tunnel location determination method for landslide prevention was proposed to solve the existing problems in drainage tunnel construction. Current applications of drainage tunnel systems in China were reviewed and the functions of drainage tunnel were categorized as catchment and interception. Numerical simulations were conducted. The results show that both both catchment and interception tunnels have variation of the function in the simulation of monolayer model, which shows the reduction of permeability condition in lower layer. The function of catchment can be observed in the deep slope, while the function of interception is By near the slope safety factor and discharge water amount as the objectives of optimal drainage tunnel location, and pore-water pressure in fixed node and section flux as the judgment for construction quality of adjacent drainage tunnel, the design principle of drainage tunnel was introduced. The K103 Landslide was illustrated as an example to determine the optimal drainage tunnel location. The measured drainage tunnel efficiency was evaluated and compared with that from the numerical analyzes based on groundwater data. The results validate the present numerical study.
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