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中国铜镜的发展历史,从距今四千多年前的齐家文化开始,就像一条源远流淌的长河,其间无论是汉代的规矩镜、画像镜,还是唐代的瑞兽镜,花鸟镜,都以其多姿多彩装饰着这条铜镜的长河,使其熠熠生辉。而神兽镜又是这长河中另一朵绚丽的浪花,以其独特的魅力,在中国铜镜发展史中占据着重要的地位。神兽镜是在铜镜背面以浮雕手法作出纹饰,主要装饰内容是东王公、西王母等神人和龙虎等兽形,故名神兽镜。其装饰方法有环绕,有重列,有同向,式样不同,风格却统一,反映了道家的神仙思想这一主题,因而神兽镜有别于同时期的规矩镜、夔凤镜而独具一格。特殊的题材、独特的技法,将中国铜镜的发展推向新的阶段。神兽镜出现在东汉中期,是东汉铜镜纹饰的一个种类,在湖北、江苏、浙江一带出土较多。这是由东汉延续到六朝时期的一种铜镜,从墓葬发掘的情况来看,由于东汉贵族墓少见,因而神兽镜在东汉墓中发现不多,而六朝的贵族墓中大量出土神兽镜。我馆(南京市博物馆)发掘的近四百座六朝墓葬中出上了百枚铜镜,神兽 The history of the development of bronze mirrors in China started from the Qijia culture more than 4,000 years ago. It is like a long river flowing down from the ancient times. During this period, both the mirror of the Han Dynasty, portraits of mirrors, Mirror, are decorated with its colorful copper mirror of this long river, making it shine. The mirror of the sacred animal is another gorgeous wave in this long river. With its unique charm, it occupies an important position in the history of the development of bronze mirrors in China. Animal mirror is mirrors in the back of the bronze embossed to make decorations, the main decoration is the East King, West Queen and other gods and the Dragon and the beast-shaped, named animal mirror. The decoration method has the theme of revolving, re-enactment, same direction, different style and uniform style, reflecting the Taoist immortal thought. Therefore, the sacred animal mirror is different from the regular mirror of the same period, grid. Special themes, unique techniques, the development of China’s copper mirror to a new stage. Animal Mirror appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, is a species of bronze mirror decoration in the Eastern Han Dynasty, unearthed in Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang more. This is from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Six Dynasties period of a bronze mirror, excavation from the situation, due to the rare Eastern Han aristocracy, sacred mirror in the Eastern Han Dynasty found little, and the aristocratic tombs in the Six Dynasties unearthed a large number of sacred mirror. Our museum (Nanjing Museum) to explore the nearly four hundred tombs in six out of the bronze mirror, sacred animal
环糊精(cyclodextrin CD)是由芽孢杆菌产生的环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶作用于淀粉而制得的一系列多聚糖的总称.1891年由Villiers发现,1904年Schardinger确定了环糊精的结构.环糊精