
来源 :今古传奇(故事版上半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcgbeyong
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大张的父亲去世了,家人去殡仪馆为他送行。刚巧,同天区政府的胡副区长也在这里为故去的父亲送行。望着络绎不绝的人群,大张的家人忍不住叹息:还是当领导好啊,看有多少来拍马屁的。大张还是硬撑着摆了接待桌椅,专门登记给父亲送行的亲朋好友,突然一大群人围了过来,手里都拿着数额不等的钞票。相比之下,胡副区长家那边倒显冷落了。大张纳闷了,叫住一个正往家人手中递钱的人问:“你是老爷子的朋友?”那人红着眼睛说:“都是小区邻居,老爷子免费给我们擦了 Dazhang’s father died, the family went to the funeral home for his off. Coincidentally, the same day, Vice District Governor Hu is also here to go to his father off. Looking at an endless stream of people, big family can not help but sigh: or when the leadership is good, how many flattering look. Large or hard propped up the reception tables and chairs, specially registered to his father sent friends and relatives, suddenly surrounded by a large group of people, holding the amount of money in his hands. In contrast, Vice Mayor Hu down overcast. Big wonder, and called a person who is handed the money in the hands of his family asked: ”You are a friend of Father?“ The man said with red eyes: ”are neighborhood neighbors, Father rubbed us free of charge
France-led coalition forces’ military strikes against Libya may increase instability WHEN Rafale,Mirage 2000 and other fighter-bombers from Western coalition
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手机短信常常是解决纠纷的重要证据。但往往因稍纵即逝,很多人走上法庭时,却不能提供或短信证据无效。那么,如何让手机短信成为有效证据呢? Cell phone text messages are o