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中央对林业工作很重视。为了大力发展林业,充分调动农村社队和国营林业企业对造林、育林、木材生产的积极性,不断地扩大和发展我国森林资源,经林业部和国家物价总局研究,将南方十省、区的木材收购价格和出厂价格从今年九月十五日起,做了适当调整。平均计算,收购价每立米从二十九元四角,提高为三十八元四角,提高幅度为百分之三十点六,出厂价每立米从六十六元九角提高到八十元四角, The central government attaches great importance to forestry work. In order to vigorously develop forestry and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the rural community teams and state-owned forestry enterprises in afforestation, plantation and timber production, and constantly expand and develop the forest resources in our country, after studying by the Ministry of Forestry and the State Price Administration, The purchase price and the ex-factory price have been adjusted appropriately since September 15 this year. On average, the purchase price per meter was raised from 38.4 yuan to 40.8 yuan, an increase of 30.6%. The ex-works price per meter was raised from 66.69 yuan to 80.84 yuan per meter ,
We investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on gene transfer efficiency and the effect of adenoviral-mediated exogenous P53 overexpression on radiosensitivi
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Death’s End transforms physics into a nightmare hellscape of horror and loss.Also,there’s a love story.面对宇宙的真相,一切都会逝去,只有死神永生For a brief rec