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【新華社北京二十九日電】此間工人日報以‘有關勞動政策的兩大文件’為題發表社論,全文如下:正當今年‘五一’國際勞動節的前夜,中央人民政府政務院公佈了有關勞動政策的兩個重要文件:一個是政務院提請中央人民政府委員會通過的工會法草案,另一個是經政務院批准由勞動部發佈的關於在私營企業中設立勞資協商會議的指示。前一個文件確定了工人階級羣眾組織——工會在新民主主義政權下的法律地位和職責,後一個文件表明了在新民主主義政權下的新的勞資關係,這都是中國工人階級在中國共產黨和毛主席領導下,進行了近三十年的革命鬥爭所獲得的勝利果實,是值得全體工人羣眾和全體人民特別歡迎和慶祝的。(一)遠在一九二二年第一次全國勞動大會之後,中國工人階級在中國共產黨,中國勞動組合書記部的直接領導之下,展開了轟轟烈烈的勞動立法運動,要求當時所謂國會承認劳動者有集會結社權,常時提出的十九條‘劳動立法大綱’,除掉被提成為當時工人級罷工高潮中間爭的綱領而外,毫無直接的結果。一九二三年‘二七’京漢鐵路工人大罷工,(?)就 Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 29 Workers Daily writes an editorial entitled ’Two Documents on Labor Policy’, the full text of which is as follows: Just this eve of May 1 International Labor Day this year, the Central People’s Government’s State Council announced the labor policy Two important documents: one is the draft law of trade union proposed by the State Council for adoption by the committee of the Central People’s Government, and the other is the directive issued by the Ministry of Labor and approved by the State Council on the establishment of a collective bargaining conference in the private sector. The former document established the legal status and responsibilities of the working-class mass organization, the trade unions, under the new-democratic regime. The latter document shows the new labor-capital relations under the new-democratic regime, all of which are caused by the Chinese working class in China Under the leadership of the Communist Party and Chairman Mao, the fruits of the victory gained through the revolutionary struggles of the past three decades are particularly welcome and celebrated by all the working masses and the entire people. (1) Far after the first National Labor Conference in 1922, the Chinese working class launched a vigorous labor legislative movement under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Secretary-General of China’s Labor Union, demanding that the so-called “ There are no immediate results except for the program of ”labor legislation outline“ put forward by the movers at the time when they have gathered their right to assembly and exercise and have been removed from the program that was at the center of the strike of the workers at the time. 1923 ”27" strike of Beijing-Hankou railway workers, (?) On
晋北雁门关外,俗称塞外,历史上一直是次中原地区同北方边塞地区的接壤地带,以汉族文化为主体,大量吸收和融合了北方少数民簇的文化成分,形成了多民族文化现象。 Outside the
(一)美国《化学文摘》(Chemical Abstracts 简称 CA)收录范围涉及150个国家地区、56种文字、14000多种期刊、会议录、科学报告、学位论文以及26个国家的专利说明书。据称它
铁路 韩国铁路今年迎来开通100周年。除大城市的地铁外,韩国的铁路全部由铁道厅交通部经营,属国营铁路。总长3000公里,车站数达至600多个。宽轨、低站台,很富有大陆感觉。过
在我的人生旅途中,曾有过一次难忘的探险经历。 那一年金秋八月,我出差到新疆库尔勒市。在一家小旅社中邂逅回族青年马提提。他说他的祖先是靠放牧和寻宝维持生活的。他们用
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四周布满哈布斯布尔格 王族历代皇帝的肖像画的王 宫里的“巨人厅” Surrounded by the royal palace of the Habsburgs portrait of the royal palace in the “Giants Ha