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党群关系历来是党的建设中一个重要问题,是关系党的事业兴衰成败和党的生死存亡的根本政治问题。在新时期,党群关系面临着新挑战。在营造和谐的党群关系中,党组织是主导,党员干部是关键。我们要从根本上构建和谐社会的党群关系:第一、实现党群关系和谐发展必须抓好发展这个第一要务,树立并坚持科学的发展观,这是党群关系和谐发展的坚实基础。第二,实现党群关系和谐发展必须党风、政风、民风三风一起抓,党员、干部、群众三支队伍一起建设,这是党群关系和谐发展的政治保证。第三,实现党群关系和谐发展必须加强和改进群众工作,建立和完善群众工作新机制。 The relationship between the masses and the masses has always been an important issue in the party’s construction and is a fundamental political issue that concerns the success or failure of the cause of the party and the party’s survival. In the new period, the relationship between the party and the masses is facing new challenges. In building a harmonious relationship between the party and the masses, the party organization is the dominant party member and cadres are the key. We must fundamentally build the party-masses relations in a harmonious society. First, to achieve the harmonious development of the party-masses relationship, we must grasp the first priority of development and establish and adhere to the scientific concept of development. This is the solid basis for the harmonious development of the party-masses relationship. Second, in order to achieve the harmonious development of the party-masses relationship, we must work together with the three styles of the party style, the political style and the folk style to build the three ranks of party members, cadres and the masses. This is the political guarantee for the harmonious development of the party-masses relationship. Third, to achieve the harmonious development of the party-masses relations, we must strengthen and improve the work of the masses and establish and improve a new mechanism for mass work.
这一创举拉开了国内电视媒体资源整合的序幕,宣布了中国电视媒体发展新阶段的到来,对于推动中国电视媒体的进一步做大做强无疑将会起到积极影响。 This initiative opened t
该论文研究了铂铱纳米金属簇在α-酮酯、α-二酮不对称氢化中的催化性能及金属离 子在α-二酮立体选择性氢化中的修饰作用,主要分为以下几部分:第一章对多相不对称催 化体系-
作为上海西童公学校长,乔治·蓝宁为西童有针对性地编纂初级汉语口语教材《Easy steps in Chinese studi es》(《汉语学习简易教程》),某种意义上填补西方儿童汉语学习教材的