,Editorial on Role of thermal ablation in the management of colorectal liver metastasis

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The last 30 years have shown the increasing role of Ablation in the treatment of malignant liver tumors. By the introduction of percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) as first ablation tool for percutaneous treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in cirrhosis that firstly showed very high efficacy (1), several ablation techniques (mainly thermal) have been introduced in clinical practice aimed at destroying primary and secondary hepatic tumors as alteative or substitute tools to surgery. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) was the first thermal technique that showed a good efficacy to ablate liver metastases (2). Among the secondary liver tumors, colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) represent the unique indication for ablation (2). Unlike HCC in cirrhosis where the role of RFA is well defined as first line therapy for HCC nodules < or equal to 2 cm or as alteative to surgery in 1-3 HCC nodules with the maximum diameter<3 cm (3), in the case of CRLM it is not possible to reproduce the same paradigm. Liver resection remains the standard of care for CRLM and the indications to ablation remain confined to nonresectable patients (4). The review article by Takahashi and Berber recently published in HBSN wells illustrates the current role of ablation in treatment of CRLM (5).
Expert’s introductionProf. Henrik Petrowsky ( Figure 1 ) is a Professor of Surgery and Vice-Chair of the Department of Surgery and Transplantation at the Unive
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