,High-Quality Fiber-Based Heralded Single-Photon Source at 1.5 μm

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lang_yin
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A high-quality heralded single-photon source (HSPS) at 1.5 μm is experimentally demonstrated based on spontaneous four wave-mixing in a piece of dispersion-shifted fiber cooled by liquid nitrogen.To improve the up-limit of the preparation efficiency of the HSPS,commercial dense wavelength-division multiplexing components are used to reduce the loss of the filtering and splitting system between the fiber and the single-photon detectors.As a result,a preparation efficiency of 80% is realized under a g(2)(0) of 0.06 in our HSPS experimental system,which is the best performance for the fiber-based HSPS at 1.5 μm reported so far.
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2016年3月21日,是第16个“世界睡眠日”,此次世界睡眠日的中国主题为“美好睡眠,放飞梦想”,为了唤起全社会对良好睡眠的高度关注,有关方面举办了很多活动来进行宣传。  说起来,睡觉可是我们的头等大事,辛苦劳累了一天,体力和精力消耗了很多,此时我们的身体急需休息,我们有柔软的床,温暖的被窝,可是在动物的世界中,它们怎么解决自己的睡眠大事呢?  睡相各异萌翻天  动物打盹可不一定都是闭上双眼的。当