业绩报国 丰富自我——访河北宝硕集团有限公司董事长、总经理周山

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认识宝硕集团是从认识宝硕管材开始的;认识周山董事长是从认识高伟民开始的。 高伟民,河北宝硕集团有限公司所属30多个企业之一——河北宝硕集团管材公司市场开发部部长,一个不到30岁的小伙子。因为广告事宜,我们与他接触并熟悉。从他那独特的宣传理念、勤奋踏实的工作作风以及对自己公司的一往情深,还有水利市场对宝硕PVC管材的青睐,我们意识到宝硕集团是一 Understanding the Baoshuo Group began with the knowledge of Baoshuo’s pipe; understanding the chairman of Zhoushan began with the knowledge of Gao Weimin. Gao Weimin, one of more than 30 companies owned by Hebei Baoshuo Group Co., Ltd., is the head of the market development department of Hebei Baoshuo Group Pipe Company, a young man under 30 years old. We contacted and became familiar with him because of advertising. From his unique propaganda concept, diligent and pragmatic work style, and his long-standing passion for his company, as well as the preference of the water conservancy market for Baoshuo PVC pipe, we realize that the Baoshuo Group is
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