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查处水土保持违法案件是开展水土保持监督执法难度最大、最为关键的一项工作。山西县保德县水土保持监督站成立以来,经过两年多的艰苦努力,基本摸清了全县开发建设生产活动中引起新的水土流失的情况。据调查统计,全县现有工矿企业120多家,年弃废上废渣量约13.5万吨,人为造成新的水土流失面积约5750亩。针对这种情况,他们坚持以法律为准绳,以查处典型案件为突破口,克服重重困难,积极开展水保监督执法,共查处典型案件17起,按照规定征收水土流失补偿费13360元,水土流失治理费7500元,打开了预防监督正作的新局面。其做法是: (一) 提高执法人员的法律索质。提高执法人员的法律素质是执法的基础,执法人员必须精通法律知识,具有优良的道德品质,能秉公执法。因此, To investigate and deal with cases of water and soil conservation violations is the most crucial and crucial task in carrying out soil and water conservation supervision and law enforcement. Since the establishment of Baode County Soil and Water Conservation Supervision Station of Shanxi Province, after more than two years of hard work, the situation of causing new soil and water loss in the development, construction and production activities of the county has been basically ascertained. According to the survey, there are more than 120 industrial and mining enterprises in the county, about 135,000 tons of wastes were discarded annually, and about 5750 acres of new soil erosion were artificially caused. In view of this situation, they insist on taking the law as the criterion, to investigate and deal with typical cases as a breakthrough, to overcome numerous difficulties, actively carry out supervision and law enforcement of soil and water conservation, a total of 17 cases were investigated and dealt with, in accordance with the provisions of water and soil loss compensation fee of 13,360 yuan, 7500 yuan fee, opened a new situation in prevention and supervision are made. The approach is: (A) to improve the legal quality of law enforcement officers. Enhancing the legal quality of law enforcement officers is the basis of law enforcement. Law enforcement officials must be proficient in legal knowledge, have excellent moral qualities, and enforce the law impartially. therefore,
一、加快经济体制改革步伐,消除诱发公职人员犯罪的客观因素 近年来,我国公职人员犯罪现象的滋生蔓延,固然与从事公务人员的思想道德素质有关,与所处的社会环境有关,但主要
例1 女,56岁,于1998年5月15日入院。患者于5年前无明显诱因出现右侧眶后疼痛,较剧烈。继之出现右眼球活动受限,右眼睁不开。在当地医院就诊,做头颅MRI提示右侧海绵窦增大。
1994年夏日的一天深夜,山东省沂南县县城个体饭店业主刘某14岁的儿子起床小便时,因脚踏在拖于地上的无益插座上,引起触电,经抢救无效身亡. One day late in the summer of 1
社会主义市场经济需要建设一支高素质的干部队伍。新形势下考察干部必须历史地、全面地了解其德、能、勤、绩 ,必须妥善地处理好考试与考察的关系、考察与监督的关系、离任前
A coordination polymer, {Cu4(nip)4(4,4′-bipy)4(DMF)4·CH3OH}n, have been synthesized by the layer method using 5-nitroisophthalic acid (H2nip), Cu(CH3COOH)2 an
一、“教学互动群”在口语交际教学评价中的应用  教学互动群是我搭建的第一个网络媒介评价平台。这个平台有些类似于近些年流行的“平板教学”。与“平板教学”不同的是,教学互动群只需要学生使用手机,依托QQ群即可实现互动。  那天,学生们都怀着激动的心情期待着语文课。因为我前一天晚上告诉学生:明天上课带上手机。以下,就是我使用该互动群教学《走一步,再走一步》的片段:  请你拿出手机,将下列句子补充完整,表