夏日炎炎 来一份戚风千层蛋糕吧

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  A bakery named "Douliu Handmade Baking" in Yubei District, Chongqing, is the secret garden of Chongqing Airlines stewardess Hu Yaran, who enjoys baking here whenever she is free. "Look at the slow fermentation of the dough in my hand; they form a cute look one by one and end up being a super nice looking cake; it’s very soothing. "
  On hot summer days, Hu Yaran shared her favorite summer dessert- Mango Chiffon Melaleuca Cake.
  Mango Chiffon Melaleuca Cake is a repeated superposition of mango, Chiffon cake and Melaleuca layer. "Though it’s easy to get mangoes and make melaleuca, getting a mouthfeel of fluffy, soft, delicate, and sweet requires time and skills."
  For example, a 6-inch chiffon cake requires 3 eggs, corn oil 35 g, pure milk 40 g, low-gluten flour 50 g, fine sugar 55 g and corn starch 5 g. "Be sure to use corn oil, otherwise the baked cake will have a strange ’oily taste’." Hu Yaran said.
  You need to separate egg yolk from egg white and put them into two containers respectively. Make sure that the containers are oil and water free.

  Then add the whites four times, the sugar three times to whisk, and add a few drops of lemon juice to make the cake taste better. You need to whisk the egg whites at a low speed for the first time. When lifting the egg beater and noticing a small spike in the egg mix, add one-third of the sugar. When whisking egg whites for the second time, the whisk is adjusted to a medium speed. When lifting the whisk and noticing the foaming state, add the sugar for a second time, and it’s about half of it. For the third time, you need to adjust the whisk to a high speed; whisk the egg white cream together and add sugar again. When adding sugar for the last time, corn starch should also be added until stirred evenly. Hu Yaran suggested whisking vertically in a slow circle in the middle of the egg bowl. After every few times, you should lift the whisk to see the state of the spike, and never whisk it too much. At the same time, check whether the bubbles inside and outside the egg white cream are uniform and stable without change. If the bubbles become thicker, they need to be stirred manually several times, and the small bubbles will become uniform and delicate.   Then, you need to add milk and corn oil to a container containing egg yolks, sift in low gluten flour, and stir evenly with a manual egg beater until the flour is evenly mixed. When the whisk is lifted, the yolk paste continues, which means that the mixing is successful. Then preheat the oven and adjust the temperature to 125 degrees.
  Pour batter into egg white cream, stir well and pour into the mold. When dumping, make sure it’s about 15 cm away from the mold. Vibrate the mold twice to shake out the big bubbles, and puncture the small bubbles on the surface with toothpicks.
  Afterwards, place the batter in the oven. The oven is set to bake in the middle and lower layers for about 50 minutes, and the baking time depends on the oven temperature. After baking the cake, it is also necessary to shake it lightly twice on the table to shake out the excess hot air, and then turn it upside down until it is cool and demoulded.
  Melaleuca layer is the soul of Melaleuca cake. To make Melaleuca layer, you need 4 eggs, milk 486 g, white sugar 68 g, low-gluten flour 63 g and butter 59 g. Hu Yaran concluded that making the Melaleuca layer is somewhat similar to spreading a big breadcake. The secret lies in the baking temperature; be sure to use a low fire. The pan temperature is about 130-140 degrees, pour the batter into the shaking pan evenly, and fry it until there are slight bubbles in the Melaleuca layer. If the temperature is too low, the batter will not spread, and if the pan is too hot, the batter is easy to paste or be too thick.
  After that, it’s time to prepare the mangoes. Dice mango, prepare whipping cream 400 g, and add sugar 20 g to whisk.
  When superimposing mango, cake and the layer, it depends on personal preference. The core is to regard Melaleuca layers as the compartment of cakes, and add your favorite ingredients between the two Melaleuca layers. Hu Yaran likes a layer of Chiffon cake superimposed with cream and mango, repeat it twice, and then a mango Chiffon Melaleuca Cake is made.
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7月1日13点30分,四川美术学院一间教室飘来缕缕墨香。近20名师生铺开洁白的宣纸,一笔一划书写着习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话。  这场书法主题创作交流会是四川美术学院中国画与艺术学院党总支专门为庆祝“七一”开展的。  中国画与艺术学院副院长兼书法系主任向天潇,是一名有着16年党龄的党员。他写下气势恢宏的四个大字——“伟大复兴”之后,又写下了这样一段话:一百年来,中国
7月1日,北京。  凌晨3点40分的闹钟还没响,张杰就已经醒了。作为全国“两优一先”的表彰对象,张杰受邀到天安门广场,参加庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会。  6点左右,张杰抵达北京天安门广场时,被现场的壮观场面所震撼,热烈、喜庆的氛围感染着在场的每一个人。  来到指定观礼台,每个座椅上都摆放着一个精致漂亮的小包,包内有三瓶水、雨衣、防暑香包、仁丹、风油精……张杰在心里默默地为大会筹备组细致的工作