Lattice models of traffic flow considering drivers' delay in response

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktcalf
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This paper proposes two lattice traffic models by taking into account the drivers’ delay in response. The lattice versions of the hydrodynamic model are described by the differential-difference equation and difference-difference equa- tion, respectively. The stability conditions for the two models are obtained by using the linear stability theory. The modified KdV equation near the critical point is derived to describe the traffic jam by using the reductive perturbation method, and the kink-antikink soliton solutions related to the traffic density waves are obtained. The results show that the drivers’ delay in sensing headway plays an important role in jamming transition. This paper proposes two lattice traffic models by taking into account the drivers’ delay in response. The lattice versions of the hydrodynamic model are described by the differential-difference equation and difference-difference equa- tion, respectively. The stability conditions for the two models are obtained by using the linear stability theory. The modified KdV equation near the critical point is derived to describe the traffic jam by using the reductive perturbation method, and the kink-antikink soliton solutions related to the traffic density waves are obtained. The results show that the drivers’ delay in sensing headway plays an important role in jamming transition.
一、高速切削的出现及发展 1.从Salomon实验说起早在1930年前后西德的Salomon曾做了一个高速切削实验,之后人们又相继对高速切削进行研究,发现了二个使人感兴趣的现象。其一
1.书目维塞(Wyser,P.)“托马斯·阿奎那”(Thomas V.Aquin),见波亨斯基《哲学研究书目介绍》(Bochen-ski,I.M.Bibliographische Einführungen in das Studi-um der Philoso
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有机化学是高考中一个重要考查内容,其中对有机物结构简式的考查又是历年的必考内容.通过结构简式可以考查学生对有机分子式、空间构型、官能团性质等重要知识点及有机化学体系掌握熟练程度.对于这类题目我们可以根据以下几个规律去判断.  一、分子式考查:主要考查H原子个数是否正确  1.可先从H原子的奇、偶性判断:一般来说C、H化合物或C、H、O化合物中H都为偶数;若有卤素原子(x),把它看作H;若有N原子,
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