A Tentative Analysis on Non-interrogative use in Interrogative Sentence Patterns between Chinese and

来源 :考试与评价(大学英语教研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:W6216286
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There are many interrogative sentences in both modern Chinese and English languages,but they are frequently used in non-interrogative ways,their meanings are more than meets the eye.Some people put such kind of non-interrogative sentence pattern into rhetoric question category,it is not right.Its meaning is beyond the boundary of rhetoric question pattern.Moreover,in both Chinese and English languages,there are similarities and differencialities in non-interrogative use in interrogative sentence patterns.This paper deals with the non-interrogative use in interrogative sentence patterns in a pragmatic analysis perspective,so as to give a deep understanding of it. There are many interrogative sentences in both modern Chinese and English languages, but they are frequently used in non-interrogative ways, their meanings are more than meets the eye. Some people put such kind of non-interrogative sentence patterns into rhetoric question category, it is not right. Its meaning is beyond the boundary of rhetoric question pattern. Moreover, in both Chinese and English languages, there are similarities and differencialities in non-interrogative use in interrogative sentence patterns. This paper deals with the non-interrogative use in interrogative sentence patterns in a pragmatic analysis perspective, so as to give a deep understanding of it.
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由于本刊原主编姜书汉先生另有任用,三联科技期刊中心卫军水主任特别聘请我接替姜主编的工作,因为时间很匆忙,只好走马上任。我认为这个刊物还是很有 As the original chief
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