A study of the changes in the cause of peptic ulcer bleeding

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coosi
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AIM: To clarify the frequency of and changes in the cause of peptic ulcer bleeding. METHODS: This study retrospectively evaluated the out- and inpatients who underwent endoscopy between 2002 to 2008. The subjects were patients presenting with peptic ulcer bleeding. The details of these patients were obtained from their endoscopic reports and medical records. RESULTS: The rates of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ) infection were significantly low (P = 0.039), while the proportion of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) users and vascular disease significantly increased over the period studied (P = 0.034 and P = 0.04, respectively). However, there was no significant difference in the proportion of low-dose aspirin users (P = 0.832).CONCLUSION: It’s found that the primary cause of peptic ulcer bleeding changed from H. pylori infection to use of NSAIDs over the 7-year period of study. It seems that the number of low-dose aspirin users has increased with the increase in the proportion of vascular disease. It is necessary to take measures to prevent peptic ulcer bleeding among NSAIDs and low dose aspirin users. AIM: To clarify the frequency of and changes in the cause of peptic ulcer bleeding. METHODS: This study retrospectively evaluated the out- and inpatients who underwent endoscopy between 2002 to 2008. The subjects were patients presenting with peptic ulcer bleeding. The details of these patients were obtained from their endoscopic reports and medical records. RESULTS: The rates of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection were significantly low (P = 0.039), while the proportion of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) users and vascular disease significantly increased over However, there was no significant difference in the proportion of low-dose aspirin users (P = 0.832). CONCLUSION: It’s found that the primary cause of peptic ulcer bleeding changed from H. pylori infection to use of NSAIDs over the 7-year period of study. It seems that the number of low-dose aspirin users has increased with the increase in the proportio n of vascular disease. It is necessary to take measures to prevent peptic ulcer bleeding among NSAIDs and low dose aspirin users.
一、有用功、额外功和总功的概念  要想准确而迅速地求出机械效率,关键是正确理解有用功、额外功和总功.有用功是利用机械工作时,人们为达到某个目的所必须做的且对人们有用的功.额外功是指对人们无用但又不得不额外做的功.有用功与额外功之和叫作总功.  例如,用水桶从井中提水,人提升水做的功是有用功,此过程人对水桶也做了功,提升水桶做的功为额外功,如果是打捞掉到井里的水桶,捞上来的桶里带了一些水,那么提桶所
真正的语文究竟是什么样的?也许引人哲思,抑或荡涤心灵,总之,它应该是诗意的、充满想象和浪漫情怀的。那么,在平时的语文课中,如何才能真正让学生十足地体会到语文的味道呢?   其一,抓住契机,激活学生。   可以这样说,教学契机无处不在,它其实就是课堂上学生活动的亮点,比如他们独特的见解、别样的观点、萌发的灵感等等。当然,也有可能是某些难点让学生一时无法跨越知识的障碍,无论怎样,都需要老师用自己知识的
AIM:To investigate differences in clinical features between diffuse-and focal-type autoimmune pancreatitis(AIP).METHODS:Based on radiological findings by comput
本文结合具体的课文学习实例,着重从“怎么写的”“借鉴什么”两个方面,谈谈课文学习与作文训练的有机结合。   一、学习优美的语言,靓化作文语言   在课文学习中,可以对一些优美生动的词语和凝练的语句反复体味,并学会怎样将这些富有感染力的语句灵活运用到自己的作文中。例如在学习朱自清的《春》一文时,文章中对春风、春雨、春花、春草等景物作了细致描写,学生通过反复诵读领会作者分别写了哪些景物,是怎样抓住景物