Few-layer MoS_2 saturable absorbers for short-pulse laser technology: current status and future pers

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Few-layer molybdenum disulfide(MoS_2) is emerging as a promising quasi-two-dimensional material for photonics and optoelectronics, further extending the library of suitable layered nanomaterials with exceptional optical properties for use in saturable absorber devices that enable short-pulse generation in laser systems. In this work, we catalog and review the nonlinear optical properties of few-layer MoS_2, summarize recent progress in processing and integration into saturable absorber devices, and comment on the current status and future perspectives of MoS_2-based pulsed lasers. Few-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS_2) is emerging as a promising quasi-two-dimensional material for photonics and optoelectronics, further extending the library of suitable layered nanomaterials with exceptional optical properties for use in saturable absorber devices that enable short-pulse generation in laser systems. In this work, we catalog and review the nonlinear optical properties of few-layer MoS_2, summarize recent progress in processing and integration into saturable absorber devices, and comment on the current status and future perspectives of MoS_2-based pulsed lasers.
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