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  关于此地的历史沿革,重庆市规划和自然资源局曾作过细致研究:随着1946年政要机构陆续撤离,除民国印钞厂工人继续留驻外,普通市民迅速搬迁入住。新中国成立后,1953年印钞厂改为重庆印制二厂 ,其后于山林之间兴建住宅,更多的工人定居国际村。如今的国际村已是渝中区两路口街道办事处下辖社区居委会的称谓,西起佛图关公园,东至两路口市急救中心,规模为0.4平方公里。
  An "International Village" in Chongqing
  The International Village Community lies on the upward section of a gentle slope from Lianglukou in Yuzhong District to E'ling Park. Its residential buildings nestle snugly along the mountains, with stone steps and alleys meandering and stretching like capillaries of the city, and countless adjacent old architectures remaining intact till now. Actually, the "International Village" used to encompass a larger area than it does at present. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, with the region at the core, multiple countries' diplomatic institutions settled at such places as Liziba, Lianglukou, and Fotuguan, etc., ushering in a myriad of diplomats and international friends.
  During the same period of time, as the Wartime Capital, Chongqing emerged as the rendezvous of multipartite forces of the International Anti-Fascist United Front. From 1937 to 1946, 18 embassies, 5 legations and 1 Commissioner's Office were set up in Chongqing by foreign countries, including the French and German Consulates General at the same time. Meanwhile, Chongqing also served as the seat of the interim government of the Republic of Korea. Legions of foreign affairs institutions, diplomats and international friends were scattered and displaced in multiple places of the city, mainly in Yuzhong Peninsula and Huangshan Mountain in Nanan District.   Based on the proximity to Shangqing Temple, the politician hub in Yuzhong District, the US Embassy, Australian Legation, Danish Legation and Turkish Legation successively settled along the route from Lianglukou to Fotuguan, ensued by apartments of embassy and consular personnel (US Embassy journalist dormitory building), recreational amenities as well as the construction of military facilities such as bunkers protecting these diplomatic institutions.
  During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, with four embassies and consulates distributed along the mountain ridge covering from Lianglukou in the east to Fotuguan in the west, and from Liziba (Jialing New Village) in the north to Wangjiapo in the south, alongside "Feige Pavilion", the interim residence of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong May-ling (the later residence for Archibald Clark Kerr, British ambassador to China), Central Bank Banknote Printing Plant (Testbed 2 of Yuzhong District at present), Central Library (Roosevelt Library) and so on, the "International Village" became a key rendezvous for the diplomatic, military and cultural activities during the wartime, and its stories are still being told till now.
  The "International Village" is connected with Liziba Street on the riverbank of the Jialing River that passes through "Jialing New Village" via three layers of roads. Along the way, there are many dignitary residences such as Xu Yuanju Residence, as well as financial and news agencies including Ta Kung Pao and its printing caves, building cluster of Bank of Communications, etc.
  Chongqing Bureau of Urban Planning and Natural Resources used to conduct detailed researches on the history of this site: after the withdrawal of political institutions in 1946 in succession, except that the workers in Banknote Printing Plant of ROC stayed on their posts, common citizens flocked in and settled here rapidly. After the founding of New China, in 1953, the Banknote Printing Plant was changed to Chongqing No.2 Printing Plant, and as buildings were built amid mountains and forests subsequently, more workers settled in the "International Village". Today, the "International Village" has become the appellation of the community residents committee affiliated to Lianglukou Sub-district Office of Yuzhong District, covering an area of 0.4 square kilometres from Fotuguan Park in the west to Lianglukou Emergency Medical Center in the east and dovetailing with the aforementioned scope in the wartime.   The renovated and upgraded International Village Community has assumed a refreshed look nowadays. Themed upon the wartime culture, old photos are on display in the community cultural corridor. Moreover, the route signages set along the roads also indicate the former site of the US journalist building, former site of the British Navy Club, as well as the former sites of stone bunkers and radio stations.
  All the way to the top of the slope, a two-storey gray Western-style building appears, which used to act as the journalist dormitory of the US Consulate during the wartime, i.e., the former site of the US journalist building. As a combination of Chinese- and Western-style architectures in the brick and wood structure, its architectural layout is in the form of “ship” with the exterior wall made of grey bricks, all wooden floors, corridors, and stairways, and small balconies equipped.
  There is also a timeworn red brick house nearby, which was a stone bunker back then. The bunker was hidden underground with its three shelters connected by an irregular-shaped main building about 1.8m high, and its wall was covered by bird's nest mud. Nowadays, the exterior wall of the stone bunker has been coated with cement, and its octagonal internal layout can accommodate two to three persons inside. Experts from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences once concluded after a visit here that the US Embassy and other key organs were located here and visited by foreign people heavily at that time, so such bunker was built for security reasons. It is learnt that this place is called “the plum blossom bunker” as it is a commanding height in Yuzhong with several hidden bunkers in the shape of plum blossoms. After the liberation, all other hidden bunkers have been removed, leaving this one as the only bunker behind.
  Besides, there is a former site of a radio station, which was a radio monitoring and interference station during the wartime for enemy interference and monitoring. And its reconstruction has been completed on the original site.
  By strolling along the winding streets and alleys and tracing the history from the old photos on the wall, we can still envision the "International" hustle and bustle it assumed despite the long-gone scene in the International Village today.
冬日暖阳照耀四方,喜讯从首都传来!   2020年11月20日,全国精神文明建设表彰大会在北京举行,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平亲切会见参加大会的新一届全国文明城市、文明村镇、文明单位、文明家庭、文明校园以及未成年人思想道德建设工作先进代表。合川区委书记李应兰代表156万合川人民进京参加表彰大会、登台领取奖牌,并受到习近平等党和国家领导人的亲切接见。  全国文明城市是反映城市整体
不知明镜里,何处得秋霜。细心的人都会发现,从城市公园到街头广场,从医院门诊到单位食堂,身边的老人越来越多,人口老龄化正在深刻影响着经济社会发展的方方面面。  如何让终有一老的每一个人后顾无忧,能够体面地安享“老有所医、老有所养、老有所乐”的幸福晚年,是迫在眉睫的重大命题。在养老产业大军中,一家名叫云鸿的医养机构格外引人注目。这个偏居在重庆巫山的养老机构,以“医养结合”的发展模式,给老人一份健康保障
4月9日,中新(重慶)战略性互联互通示范项目联合实施委员会第六次会议召开。市中新项目管理局消息,市科技局、渝北区政府等分别与新加坡科学技术研究局、新加坡理工大学等签署了7个项目的合作协议,涉及科技、人才、农业、能源等领域,将为重庆带来更多海外机遇。  On April 9, the Sixth Joint Implementation Committee Meeting of China-Sing
4月16日,“永遠跟党走”—重庆市庆祝建党100周年优秀影片展映观影活动在九龙坡区文化艺术中心启动。16日起到年底,重庆将在各大院线及放映点集中播放8万场红色经典影片和重庆本土优秀影片。首批放映的片单共14部影片,包括11部红色经典影片,以及3部重庆本土优秀影片。后续的优秀电影片源将根据国家电影局安排的片单及时更新,为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年在全市营造隆重热烈喜庆的氛围。  On April
《吾国与吾民》  作 者:林语堂  出版社:湖南文艺出版社  这是一本由中国人写的、向西方介紹中国文化的著作。作者用坦率幽默的笔调、睿智通达的语言娓娓道出中国人的道德、精神状态与向往,以及中国的社会、文化与生活情趣。该书是一部体悟中国精神的经典之作。  《我这一辈子》  作 者:老舍  出版社:中国华侨出版社  选取老舍的一些经典中短篇作品,如《月牙儿》《断魂枪》《我这一辈子》等。这些文章既描写了
干干净净迎小康—每当提起人居环境整治的目标,就像夏日的微风拂过,涪陵的田野乡村绿意盎然。  近年来,涪陵区委、区政府认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于改善农村人居环境的系列重要指示精神和党中央、国务院以及市委、市政府部署要求,牢牢锁定农村垃圾治理、厕所革命、生活污水治理、村容村貌提升、农业生产废弃物资源化利用、村庄规划等六大主攻方向,积极实施里子、面子、路子“三子”战略,积极有效地推进农村人居环境整治。
4月13日,在全市統战系统“服务高质量发展商会建设年”活动启动会上,市发改委与市工商联签署《合作共建欧洲重庆中心框架协议》。今后,双方将合作共建欧洲重庆中心,逐步完善其功能定位,塑造其品牌价值,将欧洲重庆中心打造成为重庆高质量发展、高水平开放的一张新“名片”。  On April 13, at the city's united front system's kick-off meeting of
4月20日,首届长江三峡(梁平)耕春节启幕暨莳秧仪式在梁平区万石耕春·粮油公园举行。数百位新农人代表组队,通过“耕春”“蒔秧”“逐梦”3种表现形式展现渝东平原盛大的“莳秧”场面,奏响沃野欢歌。耕春节以“万石耕春·逐梦田园”为主题,持续至5月。期间举办6项主题活动20余项子活动,让市民感受都梁大地山水之灵动、田园之丰饶、乡村之时尚、人民之幸福。  On April 20th, the Opening