
来源 :甘肃农大学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyang0ly
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通过对我省黄土高原地区的调查,本文认为历史上黄土高原曾是一个林茂草丰的富饶地区,由于各种原因的破坏,形成了今日的植被稀少,水土流失严重,灾害频繁,“三料”俱缺,人民生活十分困苦的局面。从分析森林遭受破坏后造成的恶果入手,论述了恢复森林的效益,进而提出了黄土高原具备恢复森林的许多有利条件,阐明大力植树是完全可能的。最后,对我省黄土高原地区大力种树恢复森林提出了具体的意见。胡耀邦同志号召我们种草种树,发展畜牧,改造山河,治穷致富。这是逐步实现我省生态良性循环的必由之路,是改变我省面貌的根本大计。我们作为林业和水土保持工作者内心感到由衷的高兴和振奋。下面就我省黄土高原地区发展林业生产问题提出一些粗浅的意见。 Through the investigation of the loess plateau in our province, this paper holds that the history of the Loess Plateau was once a rich and prosperous area. Due to the destruction of various reasons, today’s vegetation is scarce with severe soil erosion and frequent disasters. Material "lack of life, people’s lives are very difficult situation. Beginning with an analysis of the evil consequences caused by the destruction of forests, the benefits of forest restoration are discussed, and many favorable conditions for the restoration of forests in the Loess Plateau are put forward. It is absolutely possible to elucidate that vigorous tree planting is possible. Finally, I put forward specific opinions on vigorously planting trees in the Loess Plateau in our province to restore forests. Comrade Hu Yaobang called on us to plant trees and grass, develop livestock husbandry, reform mountains and rivers, and cure poverty and prosperity. This is the only way to realize the virtuous circle of ecology in our province step by step and is the basic plan for changing the outlook of our province. We are sincerely happy and excited as a forestry and soil conservation worker. Here on the loess plateau in our province to develop forestry production issues some superficial opinions.
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