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世纪之交近在眼前,我们更应该以世纪的眼光关注历史,展望未来。 用世纪的眼光观察百年历史,我们就会清晰地感觉到:20世纪,是中国人民从屈辱中站立起来并不断走向民主、自由、富强的世纪。 100年前的中国,腐朽的封建制度走向其历史终点,闭关锁国,国弱民穷,任人宰割。1840年英国发动鸦片战争,迫使清政府签订了我国历史上第一个不平等条约《南京条约》。1894年的中日甲午战争,当时舰队总排水量居亚洲第一世界第四的北洋水师全军覆没,导致1895年《马关条约》的签订。1900年沙俄出动10多万侵略军侵入我国东北地区,制造“海兰泡惨案”并“血洗江东六十四屯”。1900年,英、美、德、意、日、法、俄、奥组成的八国联军 At the turn of the century, we should pay more attention to history and look forward to the future with a century’s perspective. With a century of observation of a hundred years of history, we can clearly feel that in the 20th century, the Chinese people stood up from humiliation and are constantly moving toward a century of democracy, freedom and prosperity. 100 years ago in China, the decadent feudal system went to the end of its history, closed its doors to the country, the weak and the poor, and slaughtered. In 1840, Britain launched the Opium War, forcing the Qing government to sign the Nanjing Treaty, the first unequal treaty in history in our country. In the 1894 Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894, when the total volume of the fleet in the fleet was the fourth in Asia, the Northern Navy Navy was annihilated, resulting in the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895. In 1900, about 500,000 invading troops were dispatched from the tsarist Russia to invade the northeastern region of our country to create the “Highlander Bullet” and “blood-washing the Jiangdong 64”. In 1900, Britain, the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Russia and Austria formed the Eight-Power Allied Forces
This essay focuses on two aspects.One is the characteristic of attribute.The other is concern with some points of using attributes in English.This understanding
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