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韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphage Yang et Zhang主要为害韭菜,在大同地区1年4~5代,以第4和第5代幼虫主要在寄主地下小鳞茎内越冬。翌年4月至10月上、中旬为发生为害期。本文阐述了此虫的形态特征、生活年史、生活习性、各虫态发育起点温度和有效积温,并研究分析温度、土壤湿度及土质等环境条件与发生为害的关系及防治方法。 Lepidoptera brasiliensis Bradysia odoriphage Yang et Zhang Mainly harmful leeks, in the Datong area 1 to 4 to 5 generations, 4th and 5th generation larvae wintering mainly in the host underground bulbs. The following year from April to October on the middle of the period of occurrence of harm. This paper described the morphological characteristics, life history, living habits, developmental starting point temperature and effective accumulated temperature of the insect, and studied the relationship between the environmental conditions such as temperature, soil moisture and soil quality and the prevention and treatment methods.
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无论田间或室内由短日照光周期导致的亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Gu-enee)幼虫的滞育,在各种光周期条件下均能进行和完成其滞育发育。长日照光周期可促进滞育发育的速度,
前言豚草属 Ambrosia L.属菊科向日葵族。本属有十数种,分布于美洲的北部、中部和南部。其中有两个种已传入我国局部地区,并开始危及人体健康和农业生产。自1982年起与沈阳
作者曾报导用啤酒酵母、大豆、牛肉水解物为主的饲料,制成人工卵饲养中华草蛉幼虫。本文进一步研究用简化配方的人工典连代饲养草蛉。 新配方(IIB)制成人工典养幼虫和用啤酒
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