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目的:正确认识胃的CT解剖和表现,了解正常成人的胃壁厚度,确立正常和异常的标准。材料与方法:我们用胃模型、离体和在体标本进行了正常胃CT应用解剖的研究,对3组共80例正常成人服用不同量的水行或不行低张药注射后进行CT扫描和测量胃壁厚度及值检验。结果:横断面CT图可以清楚的显示胃的解剖区域、前后壁和大小弯等,尤其与邻近器官的毗邻关系非常清楚。正常成人胃壁厚度与服水量及胃的扩张程度关系密切,在不同部位,其厚度也不一致。在胃良好充盈下,正常人胃壁厚度<3~5mm。探讨了各种因素对胃壁厚度的影响。结论:我们认为在胃良好充盈下,胃壁厚度>5mm为异常。CT能清楚的显示胃的解剖区域,结合临床实际,我们主张采用胃的三分区法。 Objective: Correct understanding of the CT anatomy and performance of the stomach to understand the normal adult gastric wall thickness, the establishment of normal and abnormal standards. Materials and Methods: We used the gastric model, in vitro and in vivo specimens of normal stomach CT anatomy study, a total of 80 normal adults in three groups taking different amounts of water or no hypoxemic injection after CT scan and Measurement of gastric wall thickness and value test. Results: The cross-sectional CT images clearly showed anatomical regions of the stomach, anterior and posterior wall and the size of the curve, especially the adjacent relationship with adjacent organs is very clear. Normal adult gastric wall thickness and service water and the extent of the expansion of the stomach close, in different parts of its thickness is inconsistent. Good filling in the stomach, the normal stomach wall thickness <3 ~ 5mm. The effects of various factors on the gastric wall thickness were discussed. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that gastric wall thickness> 5 mm is abnormal under good filling of the stomach. CT can clearly show the anatomy of the stomach, combined with clinical practice, we advocate the use of the stomach of the three-zone method.
湖北省的蕲春县境内,有一座依山傍水、历史悠久的古城,叫蕲州镇。这里住着一户姓李的医学世家。老爷子是一位走方郎中,常年奔走于乡镇山村,为病人解除 In Hunchun County, H
图表  (1)图表应尽量少而精。表格一律使用三线表 ,不可使用框线和竖线。所画的图或提供的照片必须是清晰、规整、准确的原件。图表大小均不应小于 10cm× 7cm。 (2 )每幅图表单
我国最早的药学专著《神农本草经》,收载365种药物,其中有100多种被列为上品的为无毒、有强健身体作用的“补药”。经过长期实践,中医又不断发现新的有抗衰老作用的中药。 C